Hard-Line Positions by Russia and Ukraine Dim Hope for Peace Talks
Both Moscow and Kyiv say they are ready to talk, but their terms for sitting down at a negotiating table suggest otherwise.
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El País: EEUU pide en privado a Ucrania que se abra a negociar con Rusia, según ‘The Washington Post’.
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El Mundo: Rusia avisa de que podría atacar satélites occidentales y EEUU le replica que recibiría "una respuesta adecuada”.
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AP: Putin supervises the maneuvers of his strategic nuclear forces. They are the first exercises of this type since the beginning of the war, eight months ago.
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France, the United States and the United Kingdom believe that Russia's accusations that Ukraine is preparing to use a "dirty bomb" on its own territory are "patently false" as well as a "pretext for escalation".
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Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III held a call with Russia’s defense chief to discuss President Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threats.
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l Economista: La UE acuerda topar el petróleo ruso y deja listo el octavo paquete de sanciones contra Putin.
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CNN: Rechazo en Ucrania a Elon Musk por su plan de "paz" no solicitado.
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President Vladimir Putin of Russia declared the annexation of four Ukrainian regions, a widely denounced move that marks an escalation in the war.
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President Vladimir V. Putin on Friday asserted that Russia would take control of four Ukrainian regions and decried the United States for “Satanism” in a speech that marked an escalation in Moscow’s war against Ukraine and positioned Russia, in starkly confrontational terms, as fighting an existential battle with Western elites he deemed “the enemy.”
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Even by Mr. Putin’s increasingly antagonistic standards, the speech was extraordinary, a combination of bluster and menace that mixed conspiratorial riffs against the American-led “neocolonial system” with an appeal to the world to see Russia as the leader of an uprising against American power.
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“Not only do Western elites deny national sovereignty and international law,” he said in the 37-minute address. “Their hegemony has a pronounced character of totalitarianism, despotism and apartheid.”
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The Biden administration announced in response to the Kremlin’s move. 9/30/2022
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Zelensky responded to Mr. Putin’s speech on Friday by announcing that he was In a video, he accused the Kremlin of trying to “steal something that does not belong to it.” “Ukraine will not allow that,” he said. 9/30/2022
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Mr. Putin insisted that Russia’s position on annexing the four territories was nonnegotiable, adding that the country would defend them “with all the forces and means at our disposal.”
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His spokesman said earlier in the day that after the annexation of the four regions — a move that virtually no other country is expected to recognize — an attack on those regions would be treated as an attack on Russia.
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KYIV, Ukraine — President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine responded to Russia’s claims to have annexed four Ukrainian provinces by announcing Ukraine is applying for membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
“We are taking our decisive step by signing Ukraine’s application for accelerated accession to NATO,”
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AFP: Putin reconoce la independencia de las regiones de Zaporiyia y Jersón.
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.] AFP. Ucrania: China llama en la ONU a respetar la "integridad territorial de todos los países". Es imposible para Ucrania negociar con Rusia tras los "referéndums" de anexión, dice Zelenski a la ONU.
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El País: EEUU advierte de “consecuencias catastróficas” para Rusia si recurre a las armas nucleares en Ucrania. El consejero de Seguridad Nacional, Jake Sullivan, asegura que Washington ha mantenido conversaciones privadas con Moscú en torno a la amenaza.
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China and India have called for a negotiated end to the war, stopping short of robust support for traditional ally Russia. After a week of pressure at the general assembly, Russia’s foreign minister took the general assembly rostrum to deliver a fiery rebuke to western nations for what he termed a “grotesque” campaign against Russians. 9/25/2022
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“China supports all efforts conducive to the peaceful resolution of the Ukraine crisis. The pressing priority is to facilitate talks for peace,” Wang said on Saturday.
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“The fundamental solution is to address the legitimate security concerns of all parties and build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture.”
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“Our answer, each time, is straight and honest – India is on the side of peace and will remain firmly there,” he said.
“We are on the side that calls for dialogue and diplomacy as the only way out.”
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EFE: La amenaza nuclear de Rusia es «totalmente inaceptable», según la ONU.
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El Mundo: La OTAN no reconocerá la "anexión ilegal e ilegítima" a Rusia de las regiones ucranianas de Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporiyia y Jersón, tras los "falsos referéndums" que se celebrarán entre el viernes y el martes.
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“We cannot go on like this,” said António Guterres, the U.N. secretary general, in opening remarks to the assembly. “We have a duty to act. And yet we are gridlocked in colossal global dysfunction.”
At least two presidents, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Emmanuel Macron of France, used the United Nations as a stage to cast themselves as would-be peacemakers in the war in Ukraine.
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As India Joins China in Distancing From Russia, Putin Warns of Escalation
After India’s prime minister said that now is not the time for war, an increasingly isolated Mr. Putin threatened “more serious” actions in Ukraine while insisting he was ready for talks.
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At the same time — apparently mindful of the unease among key partners like China and India — Mr. Putin insisted that he was ready for talks without naming any preconditions and that his war aims did not necessarily extend to all of Ukraine. He made no mention on Friday of the broader goals of “demilitarizing” and “denazifying” Ukraine that he announced when he started the war in February
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El Mundo: Al menos 85 concejales de tres ciudades rusas firman una declaración contra Putin: "¡Exigimos su renuncia!" La petición la semana pasada de varios ediles rusos criticando al presidente ruso y tachándole de incompetente ha sumado más críticos este lunes.
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El Mundo: La ofensiva ucraniana supera la nueva línea de defensa rusa y enfila hacia el Donbás. Rusia se retira de toda la región de Jarkov al no poder defenderla mientras el ejército de Kiev cruza el río Oskil hacia Lugansk.
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La petición pública de dimisión del presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, ha sido apoyada ya por 84 diputados municipales (concejales) de toda Rusia, que demandan a la Duma, o cámara de diputados, que acuse de alta traición al jefe del Kremlin por iniciar la campaña militar en Ucrania.
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AFP: Ucrania pide desplegar cascos azules en la central nuclear de Zaporiyia.
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El Mundo: Ucrania admite por primera vez haber atacado las bases rusas en Crimea. El partido de Putin ha propuesto que el referéndum de anexión a Rusia de los territorios del Donbas sea el 4 de noviembre, día de la Unidad Nacional en Rusia.
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China calls on Putin to end Russian roulette at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant in Ukraine after disaster near-miss
Beijing warns just one incident might cause a serious nuclear accident ‘with irreversible consequences for the ecosystem and public health of Ukraine and its neighbouring countries’
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AP: Central de Zaporiyia queda fuera de servicio entre combates y dejó de suministrar electricidad a los territorios controlados por Ucrania.
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El Mundo: El G7 acuerda limitar el precio del petróleo ruso y Moscú cierra "completamente" el flujo de gas a Europa.
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EFE: Zelenski asegura que Ucrania está lista para aumentar la exportación de energía hacia Europa.
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AP: Macron promete impedir que Rusia gane en Ucrania
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Monitoreamos: EEUU denunció que Irán transfirió drones de combate a Rusia y advirtió sobre la “amenaza” que representa esta alianza.
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El País: Rusia amplía la trama sobre el asesinato de Daria Dugina y culpa a otro ucranio más.
@Generar sentimiento positivo
a la invasion Manejar emociones
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Rusia asegura, cuando se cumplen seis meses de la campaña militar en Ucrania, que las operaciones en el territorio del vecino país marchan de acuerdo a los planes y que "se cumplirán todos los objetivos".
@Actuar como si tuvieras más poder del que tienes
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Zelenski aleja la expectativa de paz: solo negociará si Rusia abandona todos los territorios ocupados
Exigir retirada tropas rusas
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DW: Lavrov confirma planes de cambiar régimen en Ucrania. El representante del Kremlin aseguró además que los pueblos ruso y ucraniano vivirán juntos en el futuro.
Cambiar regimen en Ucrania
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El País: Rusia ataca el puerto de Odesa un día después de firmarse el pacto para exportar el grano ucranio. Varios heridos
Violar acuerdo de Estambul
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EuropaPress: Rusia desmiente ante Turquía cualquier ataque sobre el puerto de Odesa tras el acuerdo de Estambul.
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El País: Zelenski afirma que el ataque demuestra que Moscú no cumplirá lo firmado.
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Infobae. EEUU, la UE y la ONU condenaron el ataque ruso a Odessa un día después del acuerdo sobre granos: “El Kremlin sigue usando la comida como un arma”.
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Las sanciones han congelado alrededor de US$ 315.000 millones de las reservas de Rusia ––o aproximadamente la mitad del total–– debido que los países de Occidente prohibieron negociar con el banco central ruso.
Mantener sanciones a Rusia
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KYIV, Ukraine — In an indication that Russian forces were ending what they called an operational pause in their invasion of Ukraine, the defense minister of Russia, Sergei K. Shoigu, on Saturday ordered his forces to intensify attacks “in all operational sectors” of the war.
Ampliar e intensificar ataques
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EFE: Ucrania y Rusia coordinarán el comercio de grano desde Turquía.
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Ukraine will not yield territory to negotiate with Russia
Rechazar negociacion s territorio ocupado
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Vladimir Putin has issued one of his most ominous warnings yet, claiming Moscow has barely started its campaign in Ukraine and daring the west to try to defeat it on the battlefiel
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Speaking at a meeting with parliamentary leaders on Thursday, the Russian president said the prospects for any negotiation would grow dimmer the longer the conflict dragged on.
“Everyone should know that by and large we haven’t started anything yet in earnest,” he said. “At the same time, we don’t reject peace talks. But those who reject them should know that the further it goes, the harder it will be for them to negotiate with us.”
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He will limit himself to trying to take the whole of Ukraine or at least the east and the south where all the natural resources of Ukraine are located. However, if Putin is not defeated in Ukraine, there is a good chance that he will go to another country nearby that is of great interest to him, and which is not in NATO.
Which country? It is Moldova, which would like to join the EU and NATO in the very near future. It is simply a matter of its survival.
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May 9 (Reuters) - The European Union should consider seizing frozen Russian foreign exchange reserves to help pay for the cost of rebuilding Ukraine after the war, the bloc's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, said in an interview with the Financial Times.
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United States President Joe Biden is requesting from Congress new powers to seize and repurpose Russian oligarchs’ assets.
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One by one, Russians deemed insufficiently patriotic are being snatched up by security forces as the Kremlin tightens the noose.
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El Mundo: Rusia da por tomada ciudad de Lisichansk y Ucrania asume la derrota.
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El Mundo: Zelenski advierte a Lukashenko de que no arrastre a Bielorrusia a la guerra.
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nfobae: El canciller alemán advirtió que Putin podría prolongar la guerra en Ucrania por mucho tiempo.
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Putin just ordered his best general, Alexander Dvornikov, to Ukraine.
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El Mundo: Zelenski dice que la retirada de Rusia de la isla de las Serpientes "cambia de manera significativa la situación". Al menos 21 muertos en Odesa por un ataque ruso con misiles como venganza por la pérdida de la isla de las Serpientes.
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El Mundo. Joe Biden: "La guerra no acabará con una victoria de Rusia".
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In a speech at an economic forum, he called the U.S. a fading power and said sanctions on Russia, not the Ukraine war, are hurting Western economies.
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The leaders of France, Germany and Italy traveled to Ukraine’s capital to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky in their first such show of support since Russia’s invasion began.
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EFE: Rusia, obligada a buscar refuerzos ante las graves pérdidas en el Donbás. Según Zelenski, los rusos intentarán "lanzar a la batalla a los reclutas mal entrenados y a los que fueron reunidos por medio de movilizaciones encubiertas".
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El Mundo: Zelenski afirma que Ucrania necesita una victoria en el "campo de batalla" antes negociar la paz con Rusia.
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Vladimir Putin is now demanding the same things he was demanding before the war in Ukraine, except that he seems to have withdrawn one last demand: the departure from NATO of Eastern European countries such as Poland, Romania, ...
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EFE: El petróleo que Hungría, Eslovaquia y República Checa compran a Rusia por oleoducto quedará fuera del sexto paquete de sanciones de la Unión Europea al Kremlin.
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El País: Los líderes de la UE pactan vetar las compras del crudo que llega por vía marítima desde Moscú y ampliar la lista de bancos que se desconectan del sistema de pagos SWIFT, entre ellos el Sberbank, el más grande del país.
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Reuters: El yerno de Boris Yeltsin dimite como asesor de Putin.
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El Mundo: Rusia gasta 700 millones de euros al día para continuar la guerra en Ucrania y ya ha utilizado el 70% de su fuerza militar. El coste diario de la guerra para Putin es muy elevado, pero esos 700 millones diarios que calculan los centros de investigación se cubren sólo con el dinero que ingresa Rusia por la venta de gas y petróleo a países europeos
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El Mundo. Desbloqueo agroalimentario a cambio de levantar sanciones: el órdago de Putin mientras avanza en Donbás.
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We do not know how Russia’s war against Ukraine is going to end. Ukraine may inflict more damage on Russia’s army and ultimately force Moscow to accept it as an independent state. Or the Russian offensive may progress to a point where Moscow can impose humiliating ceasefire conditions upon Kyiv. Both sides may end up in a fragile military stalemate.
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The former US secretary of state told a gathering in Davos that it would be fatal for the West to get swept up in the mood of the moment and forget the proper place of Russia in the European balance of power
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DW: Rusia está dispuesta a retomar negociaciones con Ucrania, así lo confirmó el negociador de Rusia, Vladimir Medinsky, durante una entrevista con la televisión bielorrusa
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AFP: Zelenski dice a medios rusos que la cuestión de la "neutralidad" de Ucrania se está "estudiando a fondo".
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AP. Rusia: Operación en Ucrania seguirá hasta cumplir sus metas.
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"La falta de coherencia" de los ucranianos impide un acuerdo con Rusia, dice Putin. Putin califica de "información falsa" la masacre de Bucha, en Ucrania.
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Infobae: Ucrania aseguró que EEUU prepara un plan para destruir la flota rusa en el Mar Negro.
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Ukraine has said it will not agree to any ceasefire deal that would involve handing over territory to Russia, as Moscow intensified its attack in the eastern Donbas region on Sunday.
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AP: EEUU cierra vía para pagos de deuda de Rusia.
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AFP: Putin alerta del riesgo de una futura "desestabilización" por el envío de armas a Ucrania.
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