Emails & SMS Messaging

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This SOP will outline:

How to enrol a prospect/lead in a sequence
Things to look out for when using sequences

How to Enrol a contact in a Workflow

Navigate to the lead you want to send the sequence to.
Hover your mouse over the contact which you want to enrol in a sequence & click the 3 dots next to the pencil icon.
Click Enrol in Sequence (First option). ​
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 1.33.10 pm.png
Select which Workflow you want to enrol the contact in from the drop down menu. ​
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 1.34.33 pm.png
Make sure you select the correct email address under Send emails from (only applicable if you have more than one email account connected to Close) ​
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 1.34.51 pm.png
Click Schedule Workflow or Start Workflow.
Start Sequence - When the first step in the sequence was set up to start with no delay.
Schedule Sequence - When the first step in the sequence was set up to have a time delay (screenshot above).
If you want to stop the workflow at any point, click the name of the sequence under the contact’s name. ​
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 1.37.34 pm.png
You can choose to either Pause the workflow or Unenroll the contact from the workflow:
Pause Workflow - This will pause the workflow at the current step and you will be able to resume it from this step at any point in the future.
Unenroll Contact - This will unenroll the contact from the workflow completely and you won’t be able to resume the workflow. You will still be able to enroll them into the same workflow in the future.
Screenshot 2023-09-06 at 1.40.53 pm.png
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This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
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