Solar Scripts

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How does the no out-of-pocket program work?

If you qualify, we get you approved, and then we can get the solar on your roof without you paying anything yet.
Once the solar is up, you save 80 - 100% on your electricity bills. Makes sense so far?
Prospect: Yeah that makes sense.

What we do is redirect that money you save on the bills to pay off the equipment or the solar panels on your roof.
What this means is you’re paying the same thing as before, except instead of renting your power and paying for a liability that is probably going to go up in cost next year, you now own the thing that makes your power; you added value to your property, and once you’ve paid it off, you’re done! No longer paying a huge bill and not paying for the system anymore as well.
Does that make a bit more sense?
Prospect: Yes thank you.

My partner doesn’t need to be there/I’m the only decision maker

That’s fair enough. I respect the fact that you might be the sole decision-maker here. The thing is, we’ve had these conversations a few thousand times by now, and we always find that one of two things happen if we proceed with just one of you. Do you mind if I share them with you?
Prospect: ok...

One, we get to the end of the next call, which usually goes for 30 - 45 minutes, and it’s so much information that you end up wanting to book another call with your partner so they can help you make the right decision. Then we have to repeat the process again and have another 45-minute call, which just doubles the time that the process takes.
The second is, we do get to the end of the next call, and you move forward with it, and then your partner comes home, doesn’t like the fact that you’ve done it without him/her, and they call us up the next day to cancel it, which just wastes everyone’s time. Do you see what I’m saying here?
Prospect: Yeah I see what you’re saying

So, how do you think we should proceed from here so that we can make the best use of everyone’s time?
Prospect: I’ll make sure to book for a time we are both available.

How much is the rebate?

Great questions (PROSPECT). The government rebate is calculated based on a few different factors like where you live and the size of the solar system installed. Once we have a look at your electricity bill, we can determine the best size solar system to design for your needs and our specialist can go over all the details with you, including how much you will get as a rebate from the government, and you can see if it will be worth it for you or not.

How does the rebate work?

Great questions (PROSPECT). The government rebate is calculated based on a few different factors like where you live and the size of the solar system installed. Once we have a look at your electricity bill, we can determine the best size solar system to design for your needs and our specialist can go over all the details with you, including how much you will get as a rebate from the government, and you can see if it will be worth it for you or not.

Can I get the rebate?

Great questions (PROSPECT). The rebate has on a few different criteria and if you meet all of them, you would definitely be eligible. If you like I can go through some questions now to see if you’d qualify?
Go through the rebate questions on the script and check if they qualify.
IF THEY QUALIFY: Let them know it sounds like they qualify for the rebate then continue with the script.
IF THEY DON’T QUALIFY: Let them know that this criteria is only for the State Government rebate and they would still be eligible for the Federal Government rebate, which is the higher rebate anyway.

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