Solar Scripts

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Aged Lead Script

Hey NAME, how are you going?
OR Hey NAME, can you hear me?
Prospect: confused Who’s this?

This is just (NAME) here. We haven’t actually spoken before, and this is a bit of a random call, so if you feel like hanging up at any point, feel free to do so, ok?
Prospect: confused Ok... OR What’s this about?

Reason for the call, a little while ago, you enquired with us about a government-funded Solar program where, if you qualify, you can save 80-90% on your electricity bills with no money out of pocket. Does that ring a bell?
Prospect: Not really, OR OK, sure....

Have you... found what you were looking for since then? Or are you still looking for ways to save money on your power bill?
Prospect: I haven’t done anything since then.

Okay. Do you know what you’re looking for when it come to solar?
Prospect: Not really.

When you started looking at solar, do you remember what attracted your attention in the first place?
Prospect: I want to save money!

Ok cool. Well, at this point, I’m not quite sure that we can help you just yet. Usually, what we do from here is go through a few simple questions to see if you qualify.
Then, if you do qualify, we can book an appointment with one of our specialists for them to go through all the details with you and make sure that this will work for you.
If you like, I’m happy to go through some of the questions and get you set up with one of our specialists.

If they don’t have time:

Oh, I apologise, I didn’t mean to interrupt your day. How much time do you have at the moment?
Prospect: Only have 10 minutes until my meeting

Okay, great, this should only take 5. How much do you usually spend on electricity? Monthly or Quarterly?
Prospect: $450 per quarter.

Okay, and do you guys usually work from home? Or do you work outside of the house?
Prospect: We work 3 days from home and 2 days in an office.
It is essential to ask a question like this as it gives us information on how they use their electricity and their working situation to ensure they qualify for the payment plan.

Cool thank you for that (CUSTOMER NAME). There’s just a few questions about the home here:
Can I get you to confirm your address for me?
Is it a Tile or Tin roof?
Terracotta or concrete tile?
Is the house Single storey or Double storey?
Are there any trees or anything that will cast shade over the roof?
Are you planning on staying at this property for the next 5 years?


If they are not staying in their property for the next 5 years, we need to explain that they might not pay off their solar system before they move out of the property.

If they still want to proceed with an appointment knowing this, we can continue. If they don’t want to proceed, we can thank them and end the call.

So then as far as the rebates go...
How many people are living in the house at the moment?
Partner, family, kids? Get a gauge for whether or not there’s a partner in the house so you know to book them for an appointment together. If they mention a partner, this is a good opportunity to ask for their name.
Is it just you on the title, or with (PARTNER’S NAME)?
Do you (or the two of you combined) earn less than $210,000 per year?
Do you and (PARTNER’S NAME) work full-time, part-time, self-employed?
Is there a council rates notice for the property?
Are you up to date on your tax returns?

Great! Based on all of this, you're eligible for the program. So when would be a good opportunity for you and (PARTNER’S NAME) to have a phone consultation?


Try to book within a 24-48 hour period. If they ask why both partners need to be there, let them know that it’s essential to have both homeowners present – it’s an extensive discussion, and there are usually good questions that may arise from both of them.

Great so I’ve booked you for (APPOINTMENT DATE & TIME) with (CONSULTANT NAME).
Before your appointment, (CONSULTANT NAME) will just want to take a look at a couple of documents, and it’s just what we’ve talked about before: a copy of your electricity bill, a copy of that rates notice, and a photo of your fuse box, with all the fuses and switches.

I’ll send you an email with all of this information as well. Do you mind confirming your email address?

Great, I’ll send that through so you can have a read of our information.

I do want to let you know that there is no obligation, so if you and (PARTNER) do not want to proceed, that is totally fine, we can just part ways – however, if you’re happy and want to get started then, by all means, we can do an application for you.
So in terms of getting the solar, if all the numbers work out financially for you and you can save money with this, is it something you’re wanting to move forward with straight away?
Prospect: If everything lines up and we can save money then we would want to get it done as soon as possible. OR We just have to paint our roof first but we can definitely get the ball rolling.

That's everything we needed to go through for now, do you have any questions for me at the moment?
Prospect: No questions so far.
If they do have any questions, make sure you answer them before you move on and finish the call.

Perfect. I have you booked in at (APPOINTMENT DATE & TIME) with (CONSULTANT NAME). I’ll give you a call that morning just to confirm you’re still available, but otherwise you’re all set for your appointment!
Thanks, and have a great day!

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