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A campaign to communicate a new Coda App Called CodADs that allows you to easily create synthetic copies for a wide menu Ad Types for: Google Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Twitter And many more, with the option of set up new ad formats or even new media (HELLO Threads) The campaign is aimed to communicate benefits and how-tos to current Coda users for them to get the template from the Gallery. It should be also useful to show and tell users about the different features.
Advertised Product/Opportunity - Coda App Called CodADs for creating synthetic copies of Ad Types for various platforms Most relevant fact to comunicate - Easy to use and allows customization of ad formats and media Positive attributes of the product - Wide range of platforms supported, ability to create new ad formats and media Expected consummer action - Current Coda users can get the template from the Gallery and start using the app Key messages - Benefits and features of CodADs, ease of use and customization options Key Dates - None specified // Added by creator - Key Date: 2023/7/17 Keywords - Coda, CodADs, Ad Types, customization, media, platforms Digital Media to use - Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter Reason to click - Ability to create customized ads for various platforms with ease using CodADs with many types of AI supported feedback and copywritting.
Based on the available media and ad formats, here are five recommended options for the campaign:
Google - Display Network Responsive Ad: This ad format offers a variety of assets such as square and rectangular brand logos, images, and a call to action button. It's a great option for increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to a website.
Facebook - Carousel: This format allows for multiple images or videos within a single ad, making it a great option for showcasing a variety of products or services. It's also a good choice for retargeting ads.
LinkedIn - Video: This format is ideal for B2B campaigns, as it allows for more in-depth messaging and targeting of specific job titles or industries. It's also a great option for lead generation.
Instagram - Single asset: This format offers a clean and simple design, allowing for a strong visual impact. It's a great option for promoting a specific product or service.
Twitter - Tweet: This format allows for concise messaging and targeting of specific hashtags or keywords. It's a good choice for promoting events or limited-time offers.
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