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Lounge Food
Dish of the Week

DOTW - Hummus Tapas

Next week’s DOTW will be Hummus Tapas. The new improved recipe calls for a greater level of RC focus with two new batches and a more abundant approach to garnish – let’s dive into the detail of every component.
It’s been hard to ignore recent complaints on the removal of tapas bread since the menu launch. While it’s important we stick to our guns on serving better tapas dishes & flatbread (hummus being a case in point), keeping pricing competitive (tapas prices have not increased since July 21) and avoiding unnecessary food waste by throwing unwanted ciabatta in the bin, we are not making it easy for customers to get ciabatta if they want it.
As such, we’ll make the following changes ready for next week’s Tapas Tuesday, to be cascaded to your HOD’s
We’ll add a button on the tills and i-order for ‘Half Toasted Ciabatta’
The button will work as an add/extra and can be selected with any tapas dish or tapas board.
It will be chargeable at 50p and will deplete from stocks
For customers that do still complain, it can be comp’d as per any other sellable item
Important, this should be served additionally to any dishes that include ciabatta (ie hummus)
As always, DOTW Summary is attached with the Recipe Video Link (also below) and the Recipe Card. The Screen Message will be Toaster Guidelines.

DOTW Summary - Hummus.pdf
641.8 kB
Recipe Card_Hummus Tapas_May 22.pdf
673.4 kB
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