Written Undertaking in terms of section 138(Signed and Stamped)
Company Profile
Reference letters not earlier then January 2019
Submission Requirements
No Electronic email
Contract Duration: Annual system support and maintenance for 3 years
Proposal Validity: 30 Days
No of copies
Project Duration
4 Months
Scope of Services
The system must be online & web based
Uses the Balanced Scorecard Framework
The system should allow for different levels of organization structures such as business unit, departments, divisions, etc. Allow employees to be added to these structures.
The system should allow for strategic objectives to be grouped into perspectives
Allow multiple KPI to be added to a strategic objectives
Allow weight to be added to a KPI to signify the importance of the KPI
Allow baseline to be added to a KPI
Allow quarterly target to be added to a KPI
Allow for a colour coded rating scale for performance reviews
Allow the strategic plan to be cascaded to employees at all level in the form of a performance contract/agreement
Online employees performance agreement/contract
Annual corporate performance review
Quarterly and biannual employees performance review
Online employees performance review agreement/contracts using the rating scale
Dashboard & Reporting Capability
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Project Key Goals/ Objectives
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