Written Undertaking in terms of section 138 (Signed and Stamped)
Company Profile
Power of Attorney
Submission Requirements
The number of copies of the Bid to be completed and returned shall be 2 copies
No Electronic email
Submission deadline
Proposal Validity: 30 Days
Scope and Applicability
The purpose of this assignment is to appoint a suitable and experienced service provider with requisite capacity and expertise to create an online trading platform
Access to high resolution professional-grade pictures of the parcels as well as in-depth information on the breakdown of the composition of each parcel.
Remote viewing of the diamonds with confidence.
Ability to allow for competitive bidding process.
Ability to allow for automated appointment and results.
Ability to integrate with other solutions.
High security features, with encrypted authorized access and ensuring clients privacy.
Project Key Goals/ Objesctive
The purpose of this assignment is to acquire a system that should meet the following requirements
The clients shall have access to high resolution professional-grade pictures of the parcels as well as in-depth information on the breakdown of the composition of each parcel.
The platform should allow clients to be able to view the diamonds with confidence in the information provided to them.
The system should allow for future bidding process, when NAMDIA introduces the competitive bidding process.
The platform should be able to allow for automated appointment and results.
High security features, with encrypted authorized access and ensuring clients privacy.