Business Idea evaluation
Craft tailored value proposition statements, develop a comprehensive business model canvas, conduct detailed PESTLE analysis, and gain strategic insights on enhancing business model elements like scalability, cost structure, and market competition strategies.
Market Research Report
Comprehensive market research report of the current US landscape.
Technology Research Report
Investigate of currently available technologies
Startup Documents Generation
A comprehensive set of document to get the founder off to a good start.
Get Started Bootcamp
Live workshop to that covers all the above
Black Founder Innovation Summit Registration
Innovation Best Practices
30 Day Business Model Course Self Study
Access to the 30 Day Business Model Design $250.00
30 Day Business Model Course W/Coaching
Access to the 30 Day Business Model Design W/Coaching and workshops $2,500.00
Startup Science Platform
Vision to Exit Training, Create a Startup Profile to share with investors and mentors
Startup Science Platform w/Coaching
Vision to Exit Training, Create a Startup Profile to share with investors and mentors W/Coaching and workshops
MakeStartups National Certification
Entrepreneur Training and Certification Program eligible for WOIA training dollars
PatentHacks Learning Center