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Product Documentation - Liyana Kartina
Understanding The Market and User Needs

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Research Plan

Research Goal : The primary goal of this research is to inform the development of a cutting-edge hiring platform that addresses the challenges faced by businesses in finding and evaluating candidates. Our aim is to streamline the recruitment process, reduce time and costs associated with hiring, and ultimately deliver a solution that enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of the hiring process for organizations while improving the candidate experience. Through comprehensive research and data analysis, we aspire to identify key pain points, assess the inadequacies of current hiring tools, and gauge the interest and demand for a platform that offers substantial time and cost savings in the recruitment process. Ultimately, our goal is to provide valuable insights that will shape the creation of a highly beneficial and competitive hiring platform for businesses of all sizes and industries.

Information to gather: Here are the key categories of information to collect:
Recruitment Challenges and Pain Points:
Specific difficulties faced by businesses in the recruitment process.
Bottlenecks, delays, or inefficiencies encountered when sourcing and evaluating candidates.
Factors that contribute to high recruitment costs.
Candidate Evaluation Criteria:
Understand the criteria businesses use to evaluate and select candidates.
Explore the importance of skills, experience, cultural fit, and other factors.
Identify any common assessment methods or tools used in candidate evaluation.
Existing Tools and Technologies:
Evaluate the effectiveness of current hiring tools and platforms.
Identify limitations and areas for improvement in existing solutions.
Determine which tools are most commonly used in the industry.
Interest and Demand:
Assess the level of interest among businesses in adopting a new hiring platform.
Understand the factors that influence their willingness to switch from existing solutions.
Quantify the potential market demand for a cost-effective hiring platform.
Feature Prioritization:
Determine the most desired features and functionalities of a hiring platform.
Understand which features would have the most significant impact on streamlining the recruitment process.
Explore innovative features that could differentiate the platform.
Competitive Landscape:
Identify and analyze competitors in the hiring platform market.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of existing solutions.
Determine the unique value proposition that the new platform can offer.
Cost Analysis:
Collect data on the costs associated with traditional recruitment methods (e.g., job postings, interviews, onboarding).
Calculate potential cost savings for businesses by adopting the new platform.
Quantify the return on investment (ROI) of using the platform.
User Experience and Feedback:
Gather feedback from HR professionals, recruiters, and hiring managers who have used hiring platforms.
Understand their user experiences, including pain points and areas of satisfaction.
Identify usability issues and potential improvements.
Regulatory and Compliance Considerations:
Explore any legal or regulatory requirements related to hiring and candidate data.
Ensure that the new platform will comply with data privacy and equal opportunity regulations.
Trends and Innovations:
Stay updated on current trends in recruitment and hiring practices.
Identify emerging technologies and strategies that could impact the future of hiring.
Candidate Experience:
Gather insights from candidates about their experiences with the hiring process.
Understand how the new platform can enhance the candidate journey and communication.
Market Research:
Analyze market size, growth potential, and competitive dynamics in the hiring platform industry.
Identify target customer segments and their specific needs.
By systematically gathering information in these areas, you will be well-equipped to develop a hiring platform that not only meets the needs of businesses but also aligns with market trends and regulatory requirements.

Research Questions: Research questions play a crucial role in guiding your investigation and providing focus to your research efforts. Based on the research goals and information categories outlined earlier, here are some research questions that can guide your study:
1. Recruitment Challenges and Pain Points:
a. What specific challenges do businesses commonly encounter when sourcing and evaluating candidates?
b. How do these challenges impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment process?
c. What are the primary pain points contributing to high recruitment costs?
2. Candidate Evaluation Criteria:
a. What criteria are most frequently used by businesses to evaluate and select candidates?
b. How do businesses prioritize skills, experience, cultural fit, and other factors in candidate evaluation?
c. Are there industry-specific variations in candidate evaluation criteria?
3. Existing Tools and Technologies:
a. Which hiring tools and technologies are currently in use by businesses for recruitment?
b. What are the limitations and shortcomings of these existing solutions?
c. How satisfied are businesses with their current hiring tools?
4. Interest and Demand:
a. To what extent are businesses interested in adopting a new hiring platform?
b. What factors influence their willingness to switch from existing solutions to a new platform?
c. Can we quantify the potential market demand for a more cost-effective hiring platform?
5. Feature Prioritization:
a. Which features and functionalities are considered most crucial by businesses in a hiring platform?
b. How do businesses prioritize these features in terms of their impact on recruitment efficiency?
c. Are there innovative features that businesses desire but are not currently available in existing tools?
6. Competitive Landscape:
a. Who are the primary competitors in the hiring platform market?
b. What are the strengths and weaknesses of these competitors?
c. How can the new platform differentiate itself from existing solutions?
7. Cost Analysis:
a. What are the typical costs associated with traditional recruitment methods?
b. How can the new platform potentially reduce these costs for businesses?
c. What is the estimated return on investment (ROI) for businesses using the platform?
8. User Experience and Feedback:
a. What are the common user experiences, both positive and negative, of HR professionals, recruiters, and hiring managers using hiring platforms?
b. What are the most common usability issues and areas in need of improvement in existing platforms?
c. How can user feedback inform the design and functionality of the new platform?
9. Regulatory and Compliance Considerations:
a. What legal and regulatory requirements are relevant to hiring and candidate data?
b. How can the new platform ensure compliance with data privacy and equal opportunity regulations?
10. Trends and Innovations:
a. What are the current trends in recruitment and hiring practices?
b. Are there emerging technologies and strategies that could impact the future of hiring?
11. Candidate Experience:
a. How do candidates perceive and experience the hiring process?
b. In what ways can the new platform enhance the candidate journey and communication?
12. Market Research:
a. What is the size and growth potential of the hiring platform market?
b. What are the competitive dynamics within this industry, and how can the new platform position itself effectively?
Initial Hypotheses:
1. Recruitment Challenges and Pain Points:
a. Hypothesis: Businesses face challenges in finding and evaluating candidates, leading to inefficiencies and delays in the recruitment process.
b. Hypothesis: The most common pain points in recruitment include a lack of qualified candidates, time-consuming screening processes, and high costs associated with advertising and interviews.
2. Candidate Evaluation Criteria:
a. Hypothesis: Businesses prioritize a combination of skills, experience, and cultural fit when evaluating candidates.
b. Hypothesis: The weight given to specific criteria in candidate evaluation varies across industries and job roles.
3. Existing Tools and Technologies:
a. Hypothesis: Current hiring tools and technologies do not fully meet the needs of businesses, leading to dissatisfaction and suboptimal results.
b. Hypothesis: Businesses commonly use a mix of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), job boards, and social media platforms for candidate sourcing and management.
4. Interest and Demand:
a. Hypothesis: There is a significant interest among businesses in adopting a new hiring platform that promises to streamline the recruitment process and reduce costs.
b. Hypothesis: Factors influencing the willingness to switch to a new platform include cost savings, improved efficiency, and ease of integration with existing systems.
5. Feature Prioritization:
a. Hypothesis: Key features that businesses desire in a hiring platform include advanced candidate screening, automated communications, and a user-friendly interface.
b. Hypothesis: Innovative features such as AI-driven candidate matching and predictive analytics will be highly valued by businesses.
6. Competitive Landscape:
a. Hypothesis: The competitive landscape includes both established players and emerging startups in the hiring platform market.
b. Hypothesis: Successful differentiation will be based on unique features, cost-effectiveness, and excellent user experiences.
7. Cost Analysis:
a. Hypothesis: Traditional recruitment methods involve significant costs, including job postings, advertising, and lengthy interview processes.
b. Hypothesis: The new hiring platform has the potential to reduce recruitment costs through automation and improved candidate matching.
8. User Experience and Feedback:
a. Hypothesis: Existing hiring platforms have usability issues that can be addressed in the design of the new platform.
b. Hypothesis: User feedback will provide valuable insights for optimizing the user experience and platform functionality.
9. Regulatory and Compliance Considerations:
a. Hypothesis: Compliance with data privacy and equal opportunity regulations is crucial for the success of the new platform.
b. Hypothesis: Integrating features that facilitate regulatory compliance will be a competitive advantage.
10. Trends and Innovations:
a. Hypothesis: Trends in recruitment include the use of AI for candidate matching, video interviewing, and remote onboarding.
b. Hypothesis: Staying updated with emerging technologies and practices is essential for the long-term viability of the hiring platform.
11. Candidate Experience:
a. Hypothesis: Candidates value clear communication, timely feedback, and a positive overall experience during the hiring process.
b. Hypothesis: Improving candidate experience will enhance an organization's employer brand and talent acquisition success.
12. Market Research:
a. Hypothesis: The hiring platform market is growing due to increased demand for efficient and cost-effective recruitment solutions.
b. Hypothesis: Niche segments within the market, such as industry-specific platforms, may present opportunities for specialized solutions.
Research Participants:
HR Professionals:
HR managers and directors who oversee the recruitment process.
HR specialists responsible for candidate sourcing, screening, and interviews.
External recruiters or staffing agency professionals who assist businesses in finding candidates.
Internal recruiters who work within organizations to fill positions.
Hiring Managers:
Managers and department heads who make final hiring decisions.
Those who collaborate closely with HR teams during the hiring process.
Job seekers who have recently gone through the hiring process.
Individuals who have interacted with various hiring platforms and tools.
Current employees who have been hired through traditional methods or hiring platforms.
Their insights can provide feedback on the quality of candidates hired.
Startups and Small Business Owners:
Entrepreneurs and small business owners who handle their own hiring.
Their perspectives can be valuable, as they often have limited resources.
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