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Product Documentation - Liyana Kartina
Product Solution

Product Solution - TalentLink Pro

TalentLink Pro is an innovative End-to-End (E2E) Hiring Platform designed to revolutionize the recruitment process. It addresses the challenges faced by businesses in finding and evaluating candidates efficiently while delivering a seamless and user-centric experience. TalentLink Pro caters to organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises, offering a range of features to streamline talent acquisition and enhance the candidate experience.
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Created On
September 30th, 2023
Product Manager
Liyana Kartina
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Problem Alignment


The traditional recruitment process is fraught with inefficiencies, often resulting in prolonged time-to-hire, high costs, and challenges in finding the right candidates. These pain points are experienced by businesses of all sizes, from small enterprises to large corporations.

Data Evidence

Data that can be used as suggestions for developing and helping to validate this product.

User Feedback:

User Surveys: Conduct surveys among HR managers, recruiters, and candidates to gather feedback on their pain points, needs, and expectations in the recruitment process.
User Interviews: Conduct in-depth interviews with a diverse group of users to understand their challenges and preferences in detail.
User Testing: Organize usability testing sessions where users interact with the platform to identify usability issues and gather real-time feedback.
Market Research:
Competitor Analysis: Analyze existing hiring platforms to identify gaps in their features, user experiences, and pricing models.
Industry Reports: Study industry reports on recruitment trends, challenges, and emerging technologies to ensure that TalentLink Pro aligns with market demands.
User Behavior Data:
User Activity Logs: Track user interactions within the platform to understand how users navigate, which features they use most frequently, and where they might encounter issues.
Conversion Rates: Monitor conversion rates at key points in the user journey, such as job posting completion and candidate communication initiation.
Performance Metrics:
Platform Speed: Measure the platform's speed and responsiveness to ensure that candidate matching and other processes meet user expectations.
Uptime and Reliability: Monitor the platform's uptime and reliability to ensure a seamless user experience.
Candidate Data:
Candidate Matches: Collect data on how often candidates are matched to job listings and the quality of those matches, as rated by users.
Hiring Outcomes: Track the outcomes of hires made through the platform, including retention rates and job performance, to assess the effectiveness of candidate matching.
Cost Data:
Cost Savings: Gather data on cost savings achieved by organizations using TalentLink Pro, including reduced advertising expenses and agency fees.
Diversity and Inclusion Metrics:
Diversity Stats: Monitor diversity statistics related to candidate pools and hires made through the platform to assess the impact of diversity and inclusion features.
Compliance Records: Maintain records of compliance with anti-discrimination and data privacy regulations to ensure legal compliance.
Feedback and Support Data:
User Support Tickets: Analyze user support tickets to identify common issues and pain points, and track the responsiveness of the support team.
Feedback Surveys: Collect feedback from users about their experiences with the support and feedback channels within the platform.


Formulation of problems, questions/challenges that need to be answered in order to complete the background. Questions related to the objective of the feature/enhancement.

Challenge 1: Lengthy Time-to-Hire

**HMW accelerate the candidate screening process and reduce time-to-hire without compromising the quality of hires?
**HMW streamline the interview scheduling and coordination process to minimize delays in the recruitment timeline?

Challenge 2: High Recruitment Costs

**HMW optimize recruitment budgets and reduce expenses while ensuring a high return on investment (ROI)?
**HMW make the cost of using TalentLink Pro more accessible and cost-effective for small and medium-sized businesses?

Challenge 3: Inefficient Candidate Matching

**HMW improve the accuracy and efficiency of candidate matching to ensure that job openings are filled with the most suitable candidates?
**HMW empower users to customize candidate evaluation criteria to align with their unique hiring needs and preferences?

Challenge 4: Lack of Data-Driven Insights

**HMW provide users with actionable data-driven insights that lead to better recruitment decisions and process optimization?
**HMW encourage users to embrace data analytics within the platform and leverage it to its full potential?

Challenge 5: Diversity and Inclusion Gaps

**HMW promote diversity and inclusion in the hiring process to attract a more diverse talent pool and reduce bias?
**HMW ensure that organizations using TalentLink Pro remain compliant with anti-discrimination and data privacy regulations while still making informed hiring decisions?

Success Criteria

Outcome, criteria or matrix reference to be achieved from solutions.
1. Advanced Candidate Matching:
Outcome Criteria:
Reduction in average time-to-hire.
Increased percentage of job listings with suitable candidate matches.
Reference Metrics:
Average time-to-hire before and after implementing the advanced matching algorithm.
Percentage of job listings with suitable candidates matched.
2. Customizable Workflows:
Outcome Criteria:
Improved user satisfaction with workflow customization.
Reduction in recruitment process bottlenecks.
Reference Metrics:
User satisfaction surveys regarding customization options.
Time taken to move candidates through each recruitment stage.
3. Mobile Accessibility:
Outcome Criteria:
Increased user engagement on mobile devices.
Improved user feedback regarding mobile accessibility.
Reference Metrics:
Percentage increase in mobile logins and interactions.
Mobile usability ratings from user surveys.
4. Candidate Assessment Tools:
Outcome Criteria:
Enhanced candidate evaluation and selection accuracy.
Increased user confidence in assessment tools.
Reference Metrics:
Percentage of hires made where assessment tools were used.
User feedback regarding the effectiveness of assessment tools.
5. Data-Driven Insights:
Outcome Criteria:
Improved recruitment decision-making based on data insights.
Increased usage of analytics features.
Reference Metrics:
User adoption rates of analytics dashboard.
Percentage of recruitment decisions influenced by data insights.
6. Diversity and Compliance Features:
Outcome Criteria:
Increased diversity in candidate pools and hires.
Positive feedback regarding diversity and compliance features.
Reference Metrics:
Diversity statistics in candidate pools and hires.
User feedback on diversity and compliance features.
7. Efficient Communication Tools:
Outcome Criteria:
Enhanced candidate experience through improved communication.
Reduced communication-related bottlenecks in the recruitment process.
Reference Metrics:
Candidate satisfaction ratings related to communication.
Time taken to schedule interviews and send updates.
8. Integration Capabilities:
Outcome Criteria:
Streamlined recruitment processes through integrations.
User satisfaction with integration options.
Reference Metrics:
Number of successful integrations with external platforms.
User feedback on integration capabilities.
9. User Support and Feedback Channel:
Outcome Criteria:
Improved user satisfaction with support.
Increased user engagement with the feedback channel.
Reference Metrics:
User satisfaction ratings for support services.
Number of feedback submissions and user suggestions considered for product improvements.

Proposed Solution

The proposed solution section should provide a clear and concise overview of the solution being proposed to solve the problem statement and challenge, including a breakdown of its components and the benefits it will provide to end-users and the business.

1. Advanced Candidate Matching

Solution: Implement cutting-edge AI algorithms that analyze candidate profiles and job requirements to provide highly accurate and rapid candidate matches.
Reduces time-to-hire significantly by presenting the best-fit candidates within seconds.
Improves the quality of hires by ensuring better alignment between candidates and job openings.

2. Customizable Workflows

Solution: Offer a user-friendly interface that allows organizations to tailor recruitment workflows to their unique needs. Users can customize stages, interview types, and evaluation criteria.
Accommodates diverse job roles and industries with adaptable workflows.
Increases user satisfaction by providing flexibility in the hiring process.

3. Mobile Accessibility

Solution: Develop a responsive design that ensures TalentLink Pro is accessible on all devices, including smartphones and tablets.
Enables users to manage their recruitment activities on-the-go.
Expands the reach and accessibility of the platform.

4. Candidate Assessment Tools

Solution: Integrate comprehensive assessment tools within the platform, including skills testing and personality assessments.
Streamlines the candidate evaluation process, resulting in more informed hiring decisions.
Provides a holistic view of candidates' qualifications.

5. Data-Driven Insights

Solution: Create a robust analytics dashboard that offers actionable insights, tracks recruitment performance, and supports data-driven decision-making.
Empowers users with data to optimize their recruitment strategies.
Demonstrates the value of data-driven recruitment.

6. Diversity and Compliance Features

Solution: Implement features that promote diversity and inclusion in the hiring process, including blind recruitment and diversity analytics.
Helps organizations attract a more diverse talent pool.
Ensures compliance with anti-discrimination and data privacy regulations.

7. Efficient Communication Tools

Solution: Provide tools for seamless communication between employers and candidates, including automated updates and interview scheduling.
Enhances the candidate experience by improving communication.
Reduces administrative workload for recruiters.

8. Integration Capabilities

Solution: Enable easy integration with leading job boards, HR systems, and onboarding platforms to create a connected recruitment ecosystem.
Streamlines the recruitment process by centralizing data and processes.
Enhances the user experience by offering a unified platform.

9. User Support and Feedback Channel

Solution: Offer responsive customer support and a feedback channel within the platform, encouraging user engagement and input for continuous improvement.
Ensures users have access to assistance when needed.
Provides a direct channel for users to influence product development.

User Stories

List all Requirements as detail as possible which includes scenario role, pre-condition, action and impact.
Example for User Story, Scenario, and Acceptance Criteria
User Stories
Acceptance Criteria
Feature: Advanced Candidate Matching
As an HR manager, I want to quickly identify the best-fit candidates for our job openings.
When I create a job listing and view candidate matches,
I expect to see a list of candidates ranked by suitability within 10 seconds.
I can click on a candidate to view their detailed profile and qualifications.
When I update job requirements for a listing,
I expect the candidate matches to be recalculated based on the updated requirements.
The updated matches are presented to me in real-time.
Feature: Customizable Workflows
As a recruitment manager, I want to adapt recruitment workflows to our specific needs.
When I create a new job listing,
I can define custom stages and tasks for the recruitment process.
I can set specific interview types and evaluation criteria for each stage.
When I assign a job to a recruiter,
The recruiter sees the customized workflow for that job.
They can track candidate progress through each stage accordingly.
Feature: Mobile Accessibility
As a hiring manager, I want to access TalentLink Pro from my mobile device.
When I log in to TalentLink Pro on my smartphone,
The platform interface adjusts to fit my mobile screen.
I can access all key features and functionalities seamlessly.
Feature: Candidate Assessment Tools
As a recruiter, I want to assess candidates' skills and personalities effectively.
When I review a candidate's profile,
I can access tools for administering skills tests and personality assessments.
Assessment results are recorded and displayed within the candidate's profile.
When I evaluate a candidate's assessment results,
I can use the assessment data to make informed hiring decisions.
The platform provides insights on how the candidate's assessments compare to job requirements.
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User Flow

Create a visual representation of the steps a user takes to accomplish their goal, including all possible paths, decision points, and user actions, to ensure a seamless and intuitive user experience.
User Flow_Liyana Kartina.png
User Flow: Posting a Job Listing
User Action: User logs into TalentLink Pro.
Decision Point: User decides to post a job listing.
If yes, proceed to step 3.
If no, the user may explore other features or exit the platform.
User Action: User clicks on the "Post Job" button.
User Action: User fills in job details, including title, description, requirements, and location.
User Action: User sets the recruitment workflow for the job, specifying stages and criteria.
Decision Point: User may choose to add customized assessment tools.
If yes, proceed to step 7.
If no, skip to step 8.
User Action: User selects and configures assessment tools (e.g., skills tests, personality assessments).
User Action: User reviews the job listing details and assessment settings.
User Action: User confirms and posts the job listing.
User Action: TalentLink Pro generates candidate matches based on the job requirements.
Branch 1: Candidate Matches Found
Decision Point: User receives candidate matches.
User can click on a candidate to view their profile (proceed to step 2).
User can initiate communication with candidates (proceed to step 4).
User may not find suitable candidates and choose to refine job requirements (return to step 4).
User Action: User reviews candidate profiles.
User Action: User may shortlist or reject candidates based on profile information.
Decision Point: User initiates communication with selected candidates.
User can send messages to schedule interviews (proceed to step 5).
User can send automated updates to inform candidates about their status (proceed to step 6).
User Action: User schedules interviews and updates candidates on the TalentLink Pro platform.
User Action: User continues communication with candidates throughout the recruitment process.
User Action: User selects the final candidate for the job position.
Branch 2: No Suitable Candidate Matches Found
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