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Product Documentation - Liyana Kartina
Product Solution

Customer Journey Mapping

Customer Journey Map: User's Experience with the Hiring Platform

Touchpoint: Online search, marketing campaigns, word of mouth.
User's Goal: Understand the existence and benefits of the hiring platform.
Emotions/Expectations: Curiosity, interest in a solution to hiring challenges.
Touchpoint: Visiting the platform's website, reading user reviews.
User's Goal: Evaluate if the platform aligns with their needs.
Emotions/Expectations: Seeking information, comparing features, assessing user feedback.
Decision to Try:
Touchpoint: Signing up for a free trial or subscribing.
User's Goal: Start using the platform for recruitment.
Emotions/Expectations: Optimism, anticipation of efficiency improvements.
Touchpoint: Setting up the platform, adding job listings.
User's Goal: Familiarize themselves with the platform's interface and functionality.
Emotions/Expectations: Eagerness to learn, desire for a smooth onboarding experience.
Active Usage:
Touchpoint: Regular use of the platform for job posting, candidate screening, and communication.
User's Goal: Efficiently manage the recruitment process.
Emotions/Expectations: Expecting time savings, improved candidate quality.
Feedback and Support:
Touchpoint: Accessing customer support, submitting feedback.
User's Goal: Seek assistance, report issues, or suggest improvements.
Emotions/Expectations: Hoping for prompt and helpful support, influence on platform development.
Success and Results:
Touchpoint: Successful candidate hires, reduced time-to-hire, cost savings.
User's Goal: Achieve positive recruitment outcomes.
Emotions/Expectations: Satisfaction, relief, recognition of platform's value.
Loyalty and Advocacy:
Touchpoint: Continued usage, recommending the platform to others.
User's Goal: Build a long-term partnership with the platform.
Emotions/Expectations: Loyalty, willingness to promote the platform.
Ongoing Engagement:
Touchpoint: Regular platform updates, new feature announcements.
User's Goal: Stay informed and take advantage of platform improvements.
Emotions/Expectations: Interest in staying up-to-date, eagerness to explore new features.
End of Relationship:
Touchpoint: User discontinues platform usage.
User's Goal: Closure of the platform account.
Emotions/Expectations: Potentially seeking alternative solutions or no longer needing the platform.
This simplified customer journey map illustrates the various stages and touchpoints in the user's interaction with your hiring platform, along with their goals, emotions, and expectations at each stage. A more detailed map can be created by considering specific user personas and their unique journeys. This map serves as a valuable tool for understanding the user experience and identifying areas for improvement and optimization within your platform.
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