file listing
print working directory
change directory
move up one level
change to home directory
copy file
move file (can also use for renaming file)
remove file
remove directory
view file content
see first 10 lines of file
see first 3 lines of file
list everything below current directory
select column 2 to 5 and column 8 using , as separator
-f : field
-d : delimiter
search for pattern in file
-c : print a count of matching lines instead of the lines
-h : do not print the filename when searching multiple files
-i : ignore case
-l : print the names of files that contain the matches
-n : print line number of matching lines
-v : invert match
store first 10 lines in filename.csv to store.csv
store first 5 lines from filename.csv to be input for the next command
print number of character -c , word -w , or line -l in a file
* matches any characters at any length
? matches a single character
[...] matches any one of the characters inside
{...} matches any of comma separated patters inside
sort output
-n numerical order
-r reversed order
-f fold case (case-insensitive)
-b ignore leading blank
remove adjacent of duplicate lines
assign text.txt to a variable called filename
print value contained in the variable filename
print name of every file in the folder directory
open filename in editor
ctrl + k cut a line
ctrl + u paste a line from clipboard
ctrl + o save the file
ctrl + x exit the editor
run commands in
client url download data from http or ftp
-O download with existing filename
-o newname download and rename to newname
-L redirect HTTP if 300 error code occurs
-C resume previous file transfer if it times out before completion
www get > native command to download files
better than curl for multiple file downloading
-b background download
-q turn off wget output
-c resume broken download
-i download from list given in a file
--wait=1 wait 1 second before download
convert the first sheet in filename.xlsx to filename.csv
list all sheet names
convert sheet sheet1 to filename.csv
preview filename.csv to console
df.describe in console
list all column names in filename.csv
return column index 1 (regarding result from csvcut -n ) from filename.csv
can be used as -c “column name” as well
filter by row using exact match or regex
must use one of the following options
-m exact row value
-r regex pattern
-f path to a file
filter filename.csv where column name == value
stack file1.csv and file2.csv together and save to allfile.csv
create a special column name source (instead of the default group)to identify which row comes from which file
connect to database sqlite:///database.db using query SELECT * FROM base and save to filename.csv
use the above query to select data from local filename.csv file
can use for multiple csv but the bases should appear in order according to SQL query
insert filename.csv to database
--no-inference disable type parsing (consider everything as string)
--no-constraints generate schema without length limit or null check
Add as job that runs every minute on the minute to crontab
there are 5 * to indicate time for a cron job
list all cron jobs
Inspect currently using Spark version
Inspect currently using python version
Inspect URL of the cluster or “local” when run in local mode
Load list values into SparkContext
Load string Hello to SparkContext
Load local file text.txt to SparkContext
Load list to sparkcontext with minimum 4 partitions to store the data
return [1,4,9,16]
return [3,4]
return [”hello”, “world”, “how”, “are”, “you”]
return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
rdd_map.collect() returns [1,4,9,16]
rdd_map.take(2) returns [1,4]
rdd_map.first() returns [1]
rdd_map.count() returns 4
create pair RDD from a list of key-value tuple
return [(”name1”, 23), (”name2”, 66), (”name3”, 12)]
return [(66, "name2"), (23, "name1"), (12, "name3")]
return [ ("DE", ("Munich", "Berlin")), ("UK", ("London")), ("NL", ("Amsterdam")) ]
return [ ("name1", (20, 21)), ("name2", (23, 17)), ("name3", (12, 4)) ]
return 14
return ("k1", 2), ("k2", 1)
return {"k1": 3, "k2": 6}