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Linalyn Panida Portfolio
My Overview

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Work Experience


Baysport Manufacturing Inc.,
March 13,2008-January 7,2011
Job Description:
Sorting plastic molded that comes out from the molding machine, classified by different forms and shape
Scraping excess plastics, remove hazardous surface for safety
Basic troubleshooting of the machine


HR Staff/Engineering Department
LDP Farms Food Corp
February 19, 2011-January 22, 2013
Job Description:
Purchasing Staff
Classifying Items for Machine, Equipment, Maintenance, Household/Sanitation, Construction Material and Office Consumables
Create Inventory report regarding stocks. Identifying fast moving items and critical limits
Submit requisition to purchase materials with list of canvassed price per supplier for approval
Contact approved supplier to purchase item and monitor upon deliveries then input data into inventory for continuous monitoring
Uniform Custodian
Scheduling for releasing of uniform request per week
Creating list of payables of uniform for employees salary deduction
Inventory of uniform per classification
Update uniform suppliers and prices
Review and suggesting new suppliers for approval
Engineering and Maintenance Secretary
Monitoring of Machine and Equipment
Releasing of materials for maintenance of machine and equipment
Releasing of Job Order forms for Unfunctional Machine and Equipments
Scheduling of weekly meetings to gather concerns and tackle maintenance matter



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