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Delegates are objects containing methods to interact with the Leverege api. Delegates will be apart of the context for a plugin if it is available. There are 2 main types of delegates, ItemDelegates, and GroupDelegates. When a plugin is used in the context of a single devices, an ItemDelegate is provided. When a plugin is used in the context of a group of devices, a GroupDelegate is provided.
The Delegate contains all the metadata necessary to interact with a device or a group based on where the plugin is being used in molten. Delegates need to be dispatched in order for the api call to be made. The dispatch will then be a promise. In addition, the results of the api call will also be inserted into redux. The Delegates also contain methods to retrieve api call results from redux.
The Delegates are based on the Interface path that the plugin is at. The interface path is determined by the blueprints and relationships.
to do: make documentation on interface and then link
to do: make an example workflow of how to use a delegate
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