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Leanios Guideline

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Leanios MES - Production Planning and Scheduling Guideline

1) Configure

Add your machines, workstations or production Lines. Please consider here only discrete processes that you want to track individually. Continues in-chain and automated processes should be considered as one machine / production line.
🧭 Menu (SideNav) > Production > Machines / Lines
Leanios Guideline - Manage Machines Sidenav.png

Add your Downtime Issues. Leanios will help you track and optimize machine downtimes. Each tracked downtime should be marked by a Downtime Issue by the production operators for analysis purpose later. A DownTime Issue can be any incident, issue or leakage that might occur in your business and that will cause a Machine or Production Line to stop and not produce (Lack of Orders, lack of raw materials in stock, Maintenance, Reparation, Electricity Outage, HR-Abscence....)
🧭 Menu (SideNav) > Settings > Downtime issues
Add you Production Operators as Users. They need to have ‘Production Admin’ or ‘Production Module’ to appear in production operator lists for production scheduling, tracking and performance analysis
🧭 Menu (SideNav) > Administration & Configuration > Users / Operators
Important: Only Administrators can add users / operators
Leanios Guideline - Manage Users Page.png

2) Plan

In this step, it is all about planning the manufacturing process and BoM (Bill of Materials = required raw materials quantities for each product)
a) Add Finshed products to Leanios: As first we need to add the finished product to the database (if not existant), Products can also be batch imported via .csv or .xlsx
🧭 Menu (SideNav) > Items > + Add Item
or Import
Leanios Guideline - Upload Button.png
b) Once done we can move on planning the process , which means defining the different operations needed to produce the product and defining the machines or production Lines where these operations are manufactured. It is important to define the theoretical machine speed / capacity for each product, in order for leanios to calculate automatically the performance rate of machines and operators (or Teams) when tracking and analysing production.
🧭 Menu (SideNav) > Items > {product_name} > Nomenclature > + Operation

Leanios Guideline - Product Nomenclature.png
Leanios Guideline - Procuct Add Operation.png

c) Configure the BoM: If you want Leanios to calculate raw materials consumptions and track scrap or wastes of raw materials, then we needed to configure the BoM of each product.
a BoM (Bill of Materials) is a list of components (raw materials and semi-finished products) that are needed to fabricate one single unit of the finished product.
Click on
Leanios Guideline - Product Add component.png
Leanios Guideline - New Assocition Form.png

→ To Associate a Product with a component (consumable, raw material or semi finished product) we need to define:
The component
The quantity or proportion needed of that component to produce 1 unit of the finished product
The type of consumption
Default: when nothing checked the consumption will be calculated proportionally based on the defined quantity or proportion
Flat: if you check this option that means that the quantity of the component (or raw material) will be calculated and consumed as a flatrate for each Manufacturing Order. It is not proportional to the produced quantity of finished products, so it is fix and remains the same for each Manufacturing order (the quantity to be consumed is the one defined in the BoM.
Variable: This option should be checked if there is no way to calculate a precise, proportional or flat quantity for the BoM of that article. If ‘variable’ is checked, Leanios will ask the production operator or manager to fill in manually the quantity of the consumed component when submitting a production report at the end of the shift or the MO (manufacturing Order).
Waste, offcuts and scrap
Presence of waste (Scrap): This option should be checked if the defined raw material or component might fall as scrap during manufacturing process. this kind of scrap is variable and might defer from operator to another. when checked Leanios will ask the production operator or manager to fill in manually the quantity of the wasted component (raw material) when submitting the production report
Presence of Fall: check this options if there are offcuts or Falls.Offcats are inevitable wastes where the machine operator cannot do anything to avoid it (Example: cutting process of metal sheets, if the cutting schema is designed to have a certain Offcut of the Metal sheet then the scrap of the metal sheet should be marked as ‘Presence of Fall’ when checked Leanios will ask the production operator or manager to fill in manually the quantity of the wasted raw material when submitting the production report
Non-Conformity Consumable: When submitting a production report Leanios asks about :
The produced conform quantity of the finished product
The produced NON-conform quantity of the finished product. (Non-conform means the product doesn’t meet quality criteria and requirement to be sold to customers.
If this option is checked Leanios will consume this component (raw material) proportionally not only to the declared produced conform quantity but also to the declared NON-conform quantity
Global Waste: It is important hier to understand the difference between ‘presence of waste’ and ‘global waste’ as we described before presence of waste will ask the operator to put in the waste of a specific component (raw material) but in some cases you have in the manufacturing process a waste that is global and might affect many components at the same time.
Example: let’s take the example of a factory conditioning Milk bottles:
The following is the a simple BoM of a ‘6-pack 1L Milk bottles’
1 x 6-pack 1L Milk bottles
6 x L, Milk
6 x Pcs, Milk 1 L Bottle Packaging
6 x Pcs, Milk Caps
0,25 x Pcs, Cardboard
0,1 x Kg, Plastic Film
Let’s imagine that some bottles filled with Milk get damaged before becoming a 6 Pack and get rejected from production Line, the quantity of the damaged bottles should be submitted in the global_waste field of the production report. In this case only the components (raw materials marked as Global Waste will be consumed. Obviously in this case you haven’t wasted any plastic film or cardboard but probably wasted: the Milk, the packaging and the cap (only these components should be marked with ‘global waste’
Add all the Raw Materials and Consumables you want to track one by one

Leanios Guideline - Single Level BoM.png

Notice: in Leanios The BoM is combined with the operations and is structured as a tree diagram, this means you can define also a BoM for any component, if its considered as a semi-finsihed product that is produced in house and that you will need to schedule and manufacture as first before moving to the finished product .

Leanios Guideline - 2 Levels BoM.png
Notice: There is no limitation on the number of Levels the BoM Tree can have, But it is recommanded to limit the levels and complexity to the most important and critical process Steps you want to schedule and track later.

3) Schedule

a) Create Manufacturing Orders
Leanios helps you schedule your manufacturing in all possible ways: Make To Order or Make To Stock or both.
Make To Order: Production starts only when Order (Orders module) is present. in this case Manufacturing Orders are generated automatically and linked to the Order. In Leanios this MOs are considered: External Manufacturing Orders
Make To Stock: In this case the production Manager or planner plans to produce something based on overall demand. He can do so by creating ‘Internal Manufacturing Orders’ from the production board.
b) Schedule and launch MOs
Use the production Kanban board to schedule your production. the board has 3 column (pending, Production, done) to assign a pending MO, click on launch, choose the machine and operator. You can assign multiple MOs per machine. The MOs priority convention is always from top to bottom for a single machine.
It is not mandatory but you can also use the ‘Timeline’ to schedule your MOs in a Calander-Timeline style. in The time line you can set the planned starting time and planned finish time of each MO

4) Track & Monitor

After Scheduling your Manufacturing it is important to track it, in order to follow the progress and calculate production performance.

5) Analyse (Business Intelligence)

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