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Hourly Wage to Annual Salary Calculator

A simple hourly to annual salary calculator to figure out how much your hourly wage would be if it was paid to you as an annual salary.
Simply follow the steps below to convert your hourly wage into an annual salary. If you have any vacation days or holidays to include, click on the red arrow below to enter in those number of days. The results will automatically calculate.

1) Enter your hourly wage:

2) Enter # of hours you work per week :

3) Enter # of days you work per week :

Have vacation and/or holidays?
Enter the total days off you have here:


Annual Pay


Semi-Monthly Pay


Quarterly Pay


Weekly Pay


Monthly Pay


Daily Pay


Frequently Asked Questions about the Salary Calculator

How many working weeks does the calculator assume are in a year?

52 weeks

How many weekdays does the calculator assume are in a year?

260 weekdays

What does “semi-monthly” pay mean?

If you are paid semi-monthly, that means you are paid 24 times per year. This means you are paid twice a month usually on the 15th day and the last day of the month.

How is “semi-monthly” pay different from “bi-weekly” pay?

If you are paid bi-weekly, that means you are paid 26 times per year. This is equivalent to 52 working weeks per year divided by 2. You are typically paid every other week on a Friday. You’ll notice that if you take your hourly wage, multiply it by the number of hours you work per week, and multiply that by 2, it won’t equal the semi-monthly pay show in the dashboard above. That’s because this formula (hourly wage X # hours per week X 2) is how you calculate bi-weekly pay.

Can I customize this hourly wage to annual salary calculator even more?

Yes! You can make a copy of this template by clicking Copy Doc in the top right or click here:
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