Mental Models are simply a representation of a complex problem. They are powerful but their utility is limited to the contexts they were extrapolated from. We should continuously build a lattice of mental models.
Lessons from Charlie Munger
( Investor, Business man, Vice chairman of Berkshine Hathway, partner of Warren Buffet)
How to gain Wisdom
No use of remembering isolated facts (should form a latticework of theory)
Have multiple model in your minds
Mental Model Categories
Figuring out where to invest
Designing and Scoping
Shipping and Iterating
General Thinking concepts
First Principal Thinking🔑
Break down problem into basic elements and build back up.
Question your ideas
Why i did i think that
How do i know this is true
Elon Musk and cheaper rockets
Where this is useful:
doing something for the first time,
dealing with complexity
trying to understand a situation that you’re having problems with.
Go to a perfect solution and reverse back
Think opposite ( How do i become happy -> How does one person become depressed : Reduce sleep, Eat less, Isolated.. You know what not to do)
80/20 Pareto Principle
80% effect comes from 20% of the work/causes
States that a small amount of some phenomenon causes a disproportionately large effect
Black and White Thinking ✍️
Have a mental state where you can switch between black and white opinions
Don't be in a gray state (eg be semi-confident about what you do)
Signal vs Noise
Recency bais
Goals vs System
Signal vs Noise -> information that actually matters
High Agency behavior 🔑
One of the most important traits
"When you are told that something is impossible, is that the end of conversation or do you think how to get around that"
It is a sense that a story given by other people (on what you can or cannot do) is just a story
Question everything
Bend reality
Never outsource your decision making
Return on Investment (ROI)
Resources consists of Time, money and people -> These are the things we invest in.
Impact on the customer is the return
Always choose the project that maximises the impact to customers for every unit of resources you have
Time value of Shipping
Product shipped earlier is worth more to the customer
Time Horizon
Right investment changes based on the time period your optimizing for
Expected Value
Impact of a project -> Map out all possible outcomes and assign probabilities -> Do a probability weighted sum for the value of outcomes.