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Detection of Pulsars using Median Image Stacking (Binapprox)
Median Image Stacking
We will now implement binapprox algorithm in 2D matrices. (Refer to BinApprox article for steps)
Step 1:
Running mean and std deviation calculations (Using
Welford's online algorithm
def calcMeanStdDev (imageArr):
mean = 0
count = 0
m2 = 0
for fname in imageArr :
data = load_fits(fname);
mat = np.array(data)
count += 1
delta = mat - mean;
mean += delta/count;
delta2 = mat - mean;
m2 += delta*delta2;
variance = m2/(count-1)
stdDev = np.sqrt(variance);
return mean, stdDev;
Note this contains the loading of files, each file is loaded once and closed (load function mentioned in Mean Image Stacking article).
Step 2:
Form B bins across [mean-stddev, mean+stddev], mapping each data point to the bin
def binFunc (data, bins, mean, std, binWidth, leftBin):
m,n = data.shape;
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
p_mean = mean[i,j];
p_std = std[i,j];
p_bin_w = binWidth[i][j]
p_data = data[i][j];
if p_data < p_mean - p_std :
leftBin[i,j] +=1;
if(p_data >= p_mean - p_std and p_data < p_mean + p_std) :
index = int((p_data-(p_mean-p_std))/p_bin_w)
bins[i, j,index] +=1
return bins, leftBin;
def median_bins_fits(imageArr, noOfBins):
mean, stdDev = calcMeanStdDev(imageArr);
# minVal = mean - stdDev;
# maxVal = mean + stdDev;
binWidth = (2*stdDev)/noOfBins;
firstImage = load_fits(imageArr[0])
leftbin = np.zeros_like(firstImage)
m,n = leftbin.shape;
binsMat = np.zeros((m,n,noOfBins));
for fname in imageArr :
data = load_fits(fname);
mat = np.array(data);
print("image i:", fname)
binsMat, leftbin = binFunc(data, binsMat, mean, stdDev,binWidth, leftbin)
return mean, stdDev, leftbin, binsMat
I commented out minVal and maxVal which i previously used instead of p_mean - p_std calculations. I used
memory profiler library to check the memory consumption
By removing those variables ( some other variables too that i used ) and directly using the values, I could reduce around 20Mb (I had too many variables).
Step 3,4:
Find the bin that contains the median and return the midpoint.
def median_approx_fits (imageArray, noOfBins):
mean, std, left_bin, bins = median_bins_fits(imageArray, noOfBins);
m,n = mean.shape;
imageCount = len(imageArray);
mid = (imageCount + 1)/2;
median = np.zeros((m,n));
bin_width = (2 *std)/noOfBins;
for i in range(m):
for j in range(n):
count = left_bin[i,j]
for b, bincount in enumerate(bins[i, j]):
count += bincount
if count >= mid:
median[i, j] = mean[i, j] - std[i, j] + bin_width[i, j]*(b + 0.5)
return median;
More the number of bins, better the median approximate. Plotting the "median" matrix using our plot function (mentioned in Mean Image Stacking).
Using it on the Crab nebula image:
No of Bins = 4
2. No of Bins = 50
3. Bins: 150
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