Lists of Questions

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Self-Reflection and Improvement

Unleash Your Potential
We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflection on experience. ​- John Davey


Continual self-reflection is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. These questions will guide you in introspecting, evaluating your progress, and identifying areas for improvement. By critically assessing your strengths, weaknesses, and priorities, you can enhance your effectiveness, optimize your time and resources, and align your actions with your goals. Embrace self-reflection to unlock your full potential and cultivate a mindset of continuous improvement.


Reflection on Current State

What are three things going well in my personal/professional life?
What are three areas that need improvement or attention?
What important tasks or goals have been neglected due to focusing on minor activities?
Which activities could I stop doing and no one would notice?

Overcoming Procrastination and Prioritization

What tasks or projects have I been procrastinating on that could contribute to my goals?
Where have I been active but not productive, and how can I shift my focus?
What are the three least productive things I am currently doing?
Which 20% of my efforts are driving 80% of the results?

Setting Outcomes and Priorities

What specific measurable outcomes am I optimizing for in my personal/professional life?
How can I effectively communicate these outcomes and expectations to my team?
What obstacles stand in the way of making significant progress toward my desired outcomes?
What activities must I prioritize to make measurable progress toward my goals?

Creating Structure and Organization

What structure do I need to create to facilitate progress toward my goals?
Where do I observe disorganization, inconsistent execution, or chaos in my workflow?
How can I regain control of my calendar and minimize interruptions that hinder productivity?
What is the structure of my plans and actions slipping, and how can I realign it for consistent execution?

Measuring Performance and Excellence

Where are my results weakest, and what key performance indicators should I monitor?
What metrics can help me identify problems, measure progress, and improve the situation?
How can I create a dashboard to consolidate measuring, tracking, and setting standards?
How can I move from striving for success to demanding excellence in my personal/professional life?

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

What decisions have I been postponing, hoping that the problems will resolve themselves?
What decisions, especially the difficult ones, do I need to make to move forward?
What strategies have I tried in the past that are viable but are not being executed effectively?
How can I improve my situation today, considering the available resources and options?

Testing the Impossible

What if I do the opposite of what I normally do, for 48 hours?
For business ideas: what do I personally spend a lot of money on?
If I had $10 million, what would I be doing differently? Do I really need $10 million to get this lifestyle today?
What’s the worst that could happen? If it did happen, could I recover?
If I capped my working time to 2 hours per week, what would I do?
Delegation: What if I give complete freedom for decisions up to $100? $500?
What’s an underrated channel for marketing or promotion?
Marketing: What if I don’t pitch my product directly?
Education: Instead of a formal degree, what if I made my own degree?
If I lost something, do I need to make it back the same way?
How could I solve this problem by simplifying and subtracting ONLY?
How can I disappear for 4 to 8 weeks without having my business or work crash?
Am I hunting lions or mice?
Might I actually be completely content?
What would this look like if it were easy?
How can I use money to solve this problem? How can I use money to improve my quality of life?
Can I take it easy and achieve nearly as much?
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