Dear all stakeholders,
With this docs I propose you an exit plan from me to help the organization can function by the time I left this company, since I will be handing my resignation letter in Monday, March 30th 2020. Please noted that I will do my best during my remaining time to help KoinWorks create an enduring system for UX team that could be implemented in a long term.

Organizational Structure

Current Org Structure

Right now, designer need to confirm design structure to both PO, UI Lead & UX Lead. This create multiple issues between me, Vania, and PO and resulting in time inefficiency. The design need to be confirmed for three of us before continuing affection development timeline. Designer also reports confusion on which voice they should listen to, when there is conflict of interest. In her book, Powerful by Patty McCord, removing layers of approval and bureaucracy in middle management increase productivity and speed in Netflix.
Journey Mapping@2x.png
Journey Mapping (2).png

Proposed Org Structure

Proposed ORG structure remove inefficiency in confirming to multiple stakeholder regarding design. The only design approval designer need is from PO to confirm the flow for his/her product, and Vania as a Design Lead, who will act as Global Design Approval, synchronizing designer's UI & UX and make sure of its compliance in Design Language System.
By incorporating current UX org structure that divide employee into investor & borrower tribe, each product can have an equal UX resource for product development cycle,
There will be some floating resource, like UX Researcher & UX Writer, I recommend either hire more OR keep the floating structure.

Journey Mapping@2x (1).png

Function Transfer

Design Lead Position 

Consequently, I propose for Vania to step up as a Design Lead overseeing both UI & UX in the final stage of the design. I believe she is more than capable to handle the responsibility. She will not bear all my previous responsibility, but splitting it with PO so that Vania could focus only on the visual side.


Right now, my responsibility are stated below:
Current Flow
Responsibility for
Create Task & Roadmap in Jira for UXD, UID, UXR & UXW
I communicate with each PO and defining each task needed to achieve product goals
Task creation will be made directly from each Product Owner with the approval of Design Lead (DL), eliminating inefficiency in communication.
Product Owner
Ideate New UX Design improvement
I propose new design idea to implement for each product
Ideation will falls under PO umbrella, by focusing on achieving product vision and breaking it down into new features & improvement
Product Owner
Ideate UX Research
I create a backlogs of UX Research that could be done, propose it to stakeholder, and do what is accepted to
Research ideation will falls under PO
Product Owner
Ideate Competitive Research
UX Research sometime extend their responsibility and do a competitive research
Competitive research should falls under Marketing team
Design approval & evaluation
Currently, designer must ask for Lead UX, Lead UI, and PO for each approval. As stated above, this flow is inefficient and taking too much time.
Design approval comes from Vania as design lead, no matter how much PO want things to look like.
Design Lead
Research approval & evaluation
I evaluate research plan, oversee execution & synthesis process, and do a research approval if a research is deemed as completed
Approval & evaluation will falls under PO responsibility
Product Owner
Evaluating current user experience
I evaluate current UX & finds an improvement that could be done
Everyone in tech team should do this, but managed by PO for each product
Product Owner
Design Audit/ Usability Testing
Planned audit mistake finding in design or coding
PO should be the one who initiate the entire discovery and mistake repair
Product Owner
New product/feature possibilities
I plan a research to find out new product/feature to release to
New product discovery will falls under PO responsibility, not designer (already happened tho)
Product Owner
Monitoring feedback
I gather feedback from multiple place (play store review, social media, CS report, etc) and gather it and create an improvement
Marketing, CS and PO should collaborate and have a shared file with good tag documentation filled with pain points and room for improvements
Product Owner
Head of CS
Evaluating employee performance
I do a one-on-one meeting every two week, evaluating performance and planning improvement for each employee
performance evaluation will falls under however you decided to structure the employee
Product Owner
Design Lead
VP of Product
A/B Testing experimentation
UX initiate a/b testing experimentation
AB Testing initiative will falls under PO
Product Owner
Design UX design for Super App & new products
Super App & New product will be designed by me.
Super App task will be divided between borrower and investor tribe
Product Owner
Create, manage, Measure and evaluate sprint planning
I did all that mention before
Vania will do that.
Design Lead
Prioritize task within and between designers within sprint
I did all that mention before
Vania will do that.
Design Lead
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Ongoing Process

Hire UX researcher & UX designer
As per current MPP, we are hiring researcher and designer
In interview process
Documentation for KoinWorks new Design Language System
Ready for review
KoinWorks Wiki
Wiki info regarding all the KoinWorks information that I have in my brain
On progress
Research Repository
Repository for all the research that have been done during my time here
On progress
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