
Based Hardware Customizations


With Based Hardware you can get
your own while-label version of Friend
get custom Plugin for your organization

White-label version:
In white-label version you get a fully customized copy of FRIEND app on your own accounts (ios/android). All data is stored on your servers
your own mobile app (android/ios)
Your own server
Private messaging with the Based Hardware team
10 devices
Receiving Hardware devices in bulk

Custom plugin version
Custom plugin allows you to customize the experience for your users and receive all the data from them. Your custom plugin will only be available to your users (private) and no one else. To activate the plugin you’ll receive a custom link that will auto-enable plugin for them in the app.
Custom plugin will allow you to:
Receive transcription data of your users to learn/iterate on
Exchange/share the data between the users of your plugin
Fully Customize the experience of the app, including changing chat/summaries/notifications and etc...
1 device for free
You’ll get:
Default Friend app
Default Friend server
Private messaging with the Based Hardware team
Private plugin and Link/code to install the plugin


Software Customization pricing is $90/h. and customizations are being done by the opensource community.

White-label package ($50k) includes:
Setting up an exact copy of Friend mobile app on your Android + iOS accounts (with different logo/name)
Setting up your server
Sending 5 dev kit devices to you (for you and your team/friends)
Once your app is set, we charge 10% from all your payments for the ongoing support

We charge $5k pre-payment for the whitelabel version (refundable within a week if you don’t like the team we match you with):

Plugin package ($900 + $90/h for customizations):
What you get:
We will write project description and requirements
We will estimate the task
We will post the task in our communities
We will do the vetting and will match you with the best people who will build the plugin for you.
We charge $900 for this version and you will pay $90/h for your own criteria/customizations


Hardware Customization is $50k/version. That includes:
design of the new version
3 test devices
CAD files
PCB designs
Buying hardware in bulk without customization:
By default, we will supply you with necklaces. Pricing for dev kits:
0-100 units: $49/unit
100-999 units: $39/unit
1000+ units: $29/unit


Timeline after payment:
assigning a team (7 working days)
Setting up (14 working days)
testing and delivery (7 working days)

Future support:

Along with initial setup, you’ll receive an ongoing support from Based Hardware. that includes:
Making sure that your deployed app’s infrastructure supports all future updates
Private messaging with the team
Promoting your app in our community (Discord, website)

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