where api-id is generated by API Gateway, region (AWS Region) is specified by you when creating the API, and stage is specified by you when deploying the API.
The hostname portion of the URL (that is, api-id.execute-api.region.amazonaws.com) refers to an API endpoint. The default API endpoint can be difficult to recall and not user-friendly.
With custom domain names, you can set up your API's hostname, and choose a base path (for example, myservice) to map the alternative URL to your API. For example, a more user-friendly API base URL can become:
A Regional custom domain can be associated with REST APIs and HTTP APIs. You can use
You can choose a minimum TLS version that your REST API supports. For REST APIs, you can choose TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.0.
Certificates for custom domain names
You specify the certificate for your custom domain name. If your application uses certificate pinning, sometimes known as SSL pinning, to pin an ACM certificate, the application might not be able to connect to your domain after AWS renews the certificate. For more information, see
To provide a certificate for a custom domain name in a Region where ACM is supported, you must request a certificate from ACM. To provide a certificate for a Regional custom domain name in a Region where ACM is not supported, you must import a certificate to API Gateway in that Region.
To import an SSL/TLS certificate, you must provide the PEM-formatted SSL/TLS certificate body, its private key, and the certificate chain for the custom domain name. Each certificate stored in ACM is identified by its ARN. To use an AWS managed certificate for a domain name, you simply reference its ARN.
ACM makes it straightforward to set up and use a custom domain name for an API. You create a certificate for the given domain name (or import a certificate), set up the domain name in API Gateway with the ARN of the certificate provided by ACM, and map a base path under the custom domain name to a deployed stage of the API. With certificates issued by ACM, you do not have to worry about exposing any sensitive certificate details, such as the private key.
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