OHMS in Aviary

2. OHMS Application Overview

Last edited 88 days ago by Jesse Moore
2. OHMS App Overview
OHMS is a utility integrated into the Aviary platform. Your “OHMS Organization” (formerly called the “OHMS Repository”) is an online dedicated space for processing a specific group of resources. The “Organization Owner” creates the OHMS Organization.” Once the organizational owner establishes an OHMS Organization, the owner can add additional users associated with that repository. All accounts related to an OHMS Organization will only see materials associated with that organization when logged in with their individual username and password. An organization can be requested here: https://www.aviaryplatform.com/pricing#ohms-aviary-subscription
2.1. Creating an OHMS Organization in Aviary
If you are not a current Aviary organization owner, you must first create your OHMS organization. This is comparable to the “OHMS Repository” in the older version of OHMS. NOTE: This initial setup is not needed if you had a legacy OHMS repository that was migrated. https://weareavp.aviaryplatform.com/r/z892805d83 Go to the Aviary OHMS Subscription page: https://www.aviaryplatform.com/pricing#ohms-aviary-subscription Fill out the details. You must name your organization and determine the preferred prefix of your organization domain. The organization domain will be where you log in to your OHMS organization. 5. Upon submitting your OHMS organization request, you will receive an email confirming your submission. 6. When you click on “Confirm my Account” you will be prompted to set up 2-factor authentication using an authentication app such as Google Authenticator, Authy, or Duo). Follow the directions for setting two-factor authentication (2FA) in accordance with your chosen authenticator app. For example, in Duo, you select the “Add” button to add a new account.
2.2. Overview of the New OHMS Organization
Once an organization is created, the organization owner logs into Aviary/OHMS using the assigned username and password and the 2-factor authentication. Once logged into the OHMS application, assigned users can begin to prepare oral history interview and other audio or video resources for public access. There are a few major components of the OHMS application: OHMS Collections: Record groupings into collections/series OHMS Studio: Formerly called the “Interview Manager,” this area is the central area to initiate and manage your OHMS records. Provides navigation to major functional areas of OHMS and the monitoring of workflow. This is where users can access the OHMS Indexing and the Transcript Synchronization Utilities. OHMS Thesaurus Manager: Manage controlled vocabularies. Users: Assign rights and permissions for users assigned to the OHMS Organization. OHMS Configuration: Manage other settings for the OHMS Organization.
2.3 OHMS Team Members and User Roles
Organization Owner Organization management Create, import, or delete records Add or delete users and assign user roles Create assignments Resolve “Notes” Create, import, or delete new records Enter metadata Export XML and CSV Files Thesaurus management Index and Synchronize Organization Admin Create, import., or delete records Add users and assign user roles. Cannot change permissions of Organization Owners Create assignments Enter metadata Export XML and CSV Files Thesaurus management Index and Synchronize Submit Notes Organization User View metadata Index and Synchronize Submit Notes Assigned User For interviews assigned: View metadata For interviews assigned: Index and Synchronize For interviews assigned: Submit Notes Assigned Users are the only user type that can be assigned in the OHMS Studio. For more info, click here.
2. OHMS App Overview
OHMS is a utility integrated into the Aviary platform. Your “OHMS Organization” (formerly called the “OHMS Repository”) is an online dedicated space for processing a specific group of resources. The “Organization Owner” creates the OHMS Organization.” Once the organizational owner establishes an OHMS Organization, the owner can add additional users associated with that repository. All accounts related to an OHMS Organization will only see materials associated with that organization when logged in with their individual username and password.
An organization can be requested here:

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