OHMS in Aviary

11. Exporting OHMS Data

Last edited 353 days ago by Joan Hua
11.1. Exporting OHMS XML
When you are satisfied with the interview's level of processing, the XML file must be exported for use with the OHMS Viewer. Upon clicking the “XML” export link, an XML document will be created and downloaded with a filename derived from the “OHMS XML filename” field in the interview. If no filename is present in the field, it will default to the interview's accession number. It is recommended that you change the filename to the interview’s unique identifier. Upon completion of your indexed or synchronized interview: You will need to export the OHMS XML file either individually or using the batch export function. The exported file will be auto named, unless you specify in the metadata field “XML Filename” the name you want for the exported file. The simple XML file that is exported by OHMS is designed for portability and interoperability. This XML file contains data from each of the fields present in the Metadata Module, includes the uploaded transcript with corresponding sync information, as well as the contents of an index. There are fields present in the exported OHMS XML file that do not render in the OHMS Viewer. These fields are present in order to, potentially, utilize the OHMS XML file as a vehicle for transporting metadata, in addition to enabling the core functionality provided by the OHMS Viewer. In addition to the Bulk Export XML feature in the OHMS Studio table options, OHMS XML can be bulk exported from the collections page as well.
11.1. Exporting OHMS XML
When you are satisfied with the interview's level of processing, the XML file must be exported for use with the OHMS Viewer. Upon clicking the “XML” export link, an XML document will be created and downloaded with a filename derived from the “OHMS XML filename” field in the interview. If no filename is present in the field, it will default to the interview's accession number. It is recommended that you change the filename to the interview’s unique identifier. Upon completion of your indexed or synchronized interview:
You will need to export the OHMS XML file either individually or using the batch export function. The exported file will be auto named, unless you specify in the metadata field “XML Filename” the name you want for the exported file.
The simple XML file that is exported by OHMS is designed for portability and interoperability. This XML file contains data from each of the fields present in the Metadata Module, includes the uploaded transcript with corresponding sync information, as well as the contents of an index.
There are fields present in the exported OHMS XML file that do not render in the OHMS Viewer. These fields are present in order to, potentially, utilize the OHMS XML file as a vehicle for transporting metadata, in addition to enabling the core functionality provided by the OHMS Viewer.
In addition to the Bulk Export XML feature in the OHMS Studio table options, OHMS XML can be bulk exported from the collections page as well.

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