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SG: Video App

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Technical Specification for Video Stream App


The video stream app is a software application that allows users to stream live video content. The app will have a user interface that allows users to select and view available video streams.


The app will consist of a client-side application and a server-side application. The client-side application will be responsible for displaying the user interface and handling user input. The server-side application will be responsible for managing video streams and serving video content to clients.


The following technologies will be used to build the video stream app:
React Native for the client-side application
Node.js for the server-side application
WebSockets for real-time communication between the client and server
FFmpeg for video encoding and decoding


The video stream app will have the following features:
Users can view available video streams in a list or grid view
Users can select a video stream to view
The app will display the selected video stream in real-time
Users can pause, rewind, and fast-forward the video stream
The app will support multiple concurrent video streams

User Interface

The user interface will consist of the following screens:
Home screen: displays a list or grid view of available video streams
Video player screen: displays the selected video stream in real-time and provides controls for pausing, rewinding, and fast-forwarding the video

Server-side Implementation

The server-side application will implement the following functionality:
Accept incoming client connections and manage client sessions
Receive video streams from clients and encode them using FFmpeg
Store encoded video streams in memory or on disk
Serve video streams to clients in real-time over WebSockets

Client-side Implementation

The client-side application will implement the following functionality:
Display the home screen and the video player screen
Retrieve the list of available video streams from the server
Connect to the server over WebSockets and receive video streams in real-time
Display the selected video stream in the video player screen and provide controls for pausing, rewinding, and fast-forwarding the video


The video stream app will provide users with a seamless and enjoyable video streaming experience. By leveraging modern web technologies and real-time communication, the app will be fast, reliable, and scalable.

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