
Professional Bubble Dev Funtime Shenanigans

Hosted, with ♥️ & 💪🏼, by

Life’s too short to be stuck in your editor. Let’s be real-life friends.
I won’t lie, this is a selfish pursuit. I want to know people who get nerdy about the stuff I get nerdy about and I want to steal all their best tricks and I want a full hoard of delightfuls to show me around when I finally go to Shanghai or Nairobi or whatever.
...because there are Bubblers all 🌎 over 🌍 the 🌏 world, and that is just absurdly cool.
So let’s hang out. Every Thursday. Like old ladies doing tea. And let’s alternate time zones so everyone can come along at least a couple times a month, no matter where they are.
RSVP by clicking on the images below.

🛑 BUT WAIT STOP! A few things to read before you do that...
Who this is for: The intention of this whole thing is to make buddy-buddy w/folks who are also Bubbling professionally. Because this job is pretty specific and we need people in our lives who will be happy to vent with us about the expression editor or why new groups are still fixed width, or celebrate when we finally get that API with the crap documentation to work. (Etc.)
What do I mean when I say “professional”? Well basically, I’m thinking of freelance/full-time devs, technical founders, agency owners, and the occasional real-serious-side-hustler. But I’m gonna let you decide if that’s you - nobody’s gonna be weird about it. Unless you’re weird about it. In which case, I’m definitely gonna be weird about it.
If you’re new to Bubble, my guess is you’ll be bored/confused/overwhelmed here. But don’t be sad! There are lots of lovely places to get what you can find community and support. My supa-fave is .
What is isn’t: While we will inevitably help each other with technical stuff, it’s not meant to be a group coaching / office hours sort of thing. There are a number of folks in this space who offer coaching as a paid service, and I hope we will all support that.
Just Bubble? Yup, for now, this is just a Bubble group. Womp womp, sorry FlutterFlowers. We 💜 you, tho.
Okay, you can RSVP now.

North America / Europe / Africa

More sessions coming soon...

Europe / Africa / Asia / Oceania

More sessions will coming soon...

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