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Education R&D Associate - Assignment

Assignment Due:
September 1, 2023, 5:00 PM
This assignment will help you demonstrate two skills:
Designing a user journey.
Telling a compelling story with numbers to users with low digital and statistical literacy.
Both skills are foundational in creating content with our partners.


Preform basic descriptive analysis of the . The analysis is for your own orientation, please don’t include it in your final output. The data includes 30 responses of students in a specific science class (grade 8), to a survey evaluating their in milgo.
The columns correspond with the following survey items. 1 = complete disagreement with a statement; 5 = full agreement with a statement.
לא משנה מה רמת היכולות הלימודיות שלי, אני תמיד יכול לשנות אותן
כשאני לא מצליח, אני אומר לעצמי שזה רק שלב בדרך להצלחה
כשאני עושה טעויות, אני יכול ללמוד מהן ולהצליח
כשמשהו מאתגר וקשה לי, זה גורם לי לרצות לעבוד עליו יותר ולא פחות
אני יודע להציב לעצמי מטרות אשר עוזרות לי להשתפר ולהצליח בשיעור
שאלה פתוחה - איך אתה מרגיש או מרגישה לגבי היכולות הלימודיות שלך?
Student name, if he or she decided to opt out of anonymity.
Compose a Teacher Story using our Google Slides . Design a Story that tells the most pedagogically valuable, accessible, and engaging story, tailored for the teacher of this class. The product should follow these guidelines:
Total of 8 slides.
Make sure you include both insights about the students’ status and pedagogical recommendations that would help the teacher move from insight to action.
Don’t worry about the feasibility of actually developing the product on the platform. Imagine milgo has all the functionality Google Slides has to offer.
In your presentation, please present your product, share the reasoning behind your UX choices and other alternatives you considered. When prepping for your presentation, imagine you’re pitching a product to a team at Kayma, not a group of teachers.

Good luck, and feel free to contact
@Yoav Raskin
if you have any questions!

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