Improves BP, excessive vascular resistance, weak peripheral pulses, pale MM
Replaces myocardium with fibrotic tissue
Neurohormonal effects:
Myocardial stretch releases counter-regulatory hormones (ANP, BNP) → vasodilation, natriuresis, diuresis BUT is outweighed by RAAS + sympathetic system
Heart Failure Classification:
A: high risk of developing heart disease
B: heart disease, NO clinical signs
B1: no chamber enlargement
B2: enlarged left atrium/ventricle
C: past or current signs of heart failure (even if stable on medication)
D: end-stage disease (refractory to standard therapy)
Stage A: normal heart, no clinical signs but predisposed (all Dobermans)
Stage B (pre-clinical): abnormal heart, no clinical signs ie. no CHF (lasts 2-4 years in Doberman)
Stage C: abnormal heart, with clinical signs ie. CHF
Stage D: abnormal heart, with clinical signs ie. CHF and refractory to medication; sudden death by ventricular fibrillation (not atrial); euthanasia (lasts 4-6 months in Doberman)
ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: absence of P waves, irregular irregular rhythm +/- f waves, typically narrow QRS complexes (supraventricular)
Consequences: no atrial filling, tachycardia, wide HR fluctuations → worsening of CHF