
NY XR Dinner Guests

Dinner at Il Buco NYC 11/6/23

Adaora Udoji
Storyteller. Media Executive. Investor.
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Brian Cohen
Beam Center
Instagram: @beamcenter
Co-Founder and Executive DIrector of Beam Center, a non-profit that builds ambitious collaborative projects with young people to transform their learning and early work experiences. We serve 4000+ students in 60 Public Schools and train and employ 500+ teens annually.
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Brian Waniewski
Harmony Labs
Brian is Executive Director @Harmony Labs, a media research lab researching and reshaping society's relationship to media.
Cara Muertes
A life long advocate of visual storytellers as social change makers.
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Casey Baltes
Tribeca Immersive & Games
@kcbaltes (Twitter)
Casey heads the Immersive & Games divisions for Tribeca. She has worked across film, games & XR for 20 years, with a focus on promoting a cross-disciplinary approach to creation.
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Connie Colvin
they / she
NJ Office of Innovation
Proactive leader of positive change with extensive project management success due to organized, results-focused approach
Courtney D. Cogburn
Columbia University
@courtneycogburn (X)
Associate Professor at Columbia who studies racism and health and is exploring ways emerging technologies can support our arch towards justice and liberation
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Eli Pariser
New_ Public
Co-director, New_ Public, a R&D lab for digital public spaces; author, The Filter Bubble; co-founder, Upworthy?
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Jason Craige Harris
Perception Strategies
Instagram: jasonjusticenow LinkedIN:
Jason is the Managing Partner of Perception Strategies, a consulting firm working on issues related to leadership, strategy, culture, and conflict transformation. Empathic awareness is integral to our methodology.
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Jessie Van Arman
Lead marketing team at Meta looking after government, social impact and immersive learning. Live in Brooklyn.
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Loren Hammonds
TIME Studios
Currently Head of Documentary at TIME Studios, Loren was formerly the VP of Immersive Programming at Tribeca Festival, curating breakthrough experiences encompassing all of the places where storytelling and technology meet.
Sensorium + Onassis ONX Studio
Matthew Niederhauser is an artist and educator. His work pushes the limits of emerging AI and XR technologies within a wide range of mediums. He also teaches at NYU Tisch and Tandon and recently became the Technical Director at Onassis ONX Studio in New York.
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Michaela Ternasky-Holland
IG: @michaelaternaskyholland TW: @immichaelath
Michaela A. Ternasky-Holland is an Emmy and Webby award-winning director who specializes in creating socially impactful stories using immersive and interactive technology. As an XR/metaverse creator, consultant, and speaker, she has been recognized as one of the 100 Original Voices of XR by industry veteran Avi Bar-Zeev for her work. Michaela specializes in creative strategy and impact production and has either worked with or had her work featured by top brands and organizations like Disney, TIME, Forbes, The Guardian, Cannes Film Festival, New York Public Library, Tribeca Film Festival, and more.
Nicole Kerr
She/ Her
Feel free to connect with me on instagram at nic_coco
VP of Entertainment at JCPR&C. Nicole has over 10 years of PR experience with a hyper-focus on VR/AR as it relates to the entertainment industry.
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noah feehan
website: AKAMEDIASYSTEM on linkedin
I make art that entangles technology and experience; I also consult for clients, mostly artists and R&D depts, looking to engage with the state of the art in nontrivial ways.
Raul Zbengheci
NEW INC, New Museum
Raul Zbengheci is NEW INC's Deputy Director, where he leads public programs and strategic operations. He has spent the past ten years as a curator, director, and producer leading projects in performance, new media, and public, site-specific art.
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Shane Omar Slattery-Quintanilla
Vassar College / Nomadique Arts Collective
Shane Omar Slattery-Quintanilla is an Emmy-nominated filmmaker, writer, multidisciplinary artist, and Associate Professor of Film at Vassar College.
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Susanna Pollack
Games for Change
Susanna runs Games for Change, the award-winning international not for profit that works to empower creators and social innovators to use games and immersive experiences to drive real world change.
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Tomi Omololu-Lange
Epic Games
Tomi is a producer at Fortnite and previously before joining Epic Games worked at TIME as an Immersive Producer. In her off hours she’s a visual artist whose work explores cultural identity and our understanding of the world through fairy tales, legends, and folklore. These themes are expressed through a number of platforms, including augmented reality, GIFs, audio, video and cinemagraphs.
winslow porter
Forager/New Reality Co
I am a Director, creative technologist and producer, greeting multisensory experiences often times exploring non-timescales
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Yasmin Elayat
She / Her
Studio Elayat
yelayat (twitter), yasminelayat (IG)
Yasmin Elayat is an Emmy-award winning immersive director. XR Films include Zero Days VR, Blackout, The Changing Same. Previously, Yasmin was Co-Founder at Scatter, pioneers of Volumetric Filmmaking and creators of Depthkit.

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