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Rotera Loop Approvals

Dec 8 - NPI Search

Reviewed: 2021 Nov 10
Reviewer: Kashif Ross


Loop is approved
Loop requires updates

Suggestions for updates:

The grammar needs updating on the Start Whisper and NPI Lookup. Suggested changes are below:
Start Whisper - Original Copy
This loop allows you to search for an organization or provider and get NPI details. Or, you can search an NPI and get the organization or provider detail. To use this loop, type "search" into the search bar or omnisearch bar to open a search form. You can search for "npi" to re-open this informational whisper.
Start Whisper - Suggested Copy
This loop allows you to search organizations, providers, or NPI details.
Getting Started
Type "search" into the search or omnisearch bar. This will trigger the NPI search Whisper. Type "npi" to see these instructions again.
NPI Lookup - Original Copy
Enter Search Criteria. Two characters are required for search, name and organization can't be used together.
NPI Lookup - Suggested Copy
Search Criteria
Two characters are required for searches. "Name" and "Organization" fields can't be used together.


Does the Loop adhere to our
UX Tenets
How/why Whispers are being generated is apparent to the user
Visual Design
Fonts are properly used (headlines, body copy, links, etc)
Logos are legible
Color strip (Does it align with the branding?)
Whisper Content
Is relevant to user tasks
Helps users complete their objectives
Titles and content have correct grammar and readability
Expanded Whispers are not longer than the sidebar
When navigating away from a result, the user can easily return to their result

Loop Library

Logos are legible
Loop library page - Title and description have correct grammar and readability
Details page - Title and description have correct grammar and readability
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