
Full VPAT 2.4 for KANU

Section 1: Product Information

Name of Product/Version:
Product: KANU
Version: 4.2.7
Release Date: 01/19/23
Product Description:
KANU is a dynamic, multifaceted platform designed specifically for the academic environment. It aims to support and nurture entrepreneurship among students by facilitating the creation, management, and sales of products and services. The platform offers a range of features including customizable landing pages, scheduling, booking, payment processing, analytics, and more, tailored to cater to the unique needs of student entrepreneurs.
Intended Use:
The platform is intended for use in academic settings, particularly by student entrepreneurs, educators, and center directors. It serves as a tool for business development, educational integration, and entrepreneurial ecosystem management within universities and colleges.
Contact Information:
Phone: 401-533-6112
Address: 225 Dyer Street, Providence, RI 02903
Additional Product Details:
Platform Accessibility: KANU is accessible via web browsers and mobile applications.
User Interface: Designed with a focus on user-friendliness, the platform incorporates modern UI/UX principles to ensure ease of use for all users, including those with disabilities.
Security Measures: Implements industry-standard security protocols to protect user data and transactions.

Section 2: Accessibility Standards/Guidelines

Standards and Guidelines Overview:
This section provides details on the accessibility standards and guidelines against which KANU 4.2.7 will be evaluated. These standards ensure that digital content is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1:
Description: WCAG 2.1 encompasses guidelines to enhance web content accessibility, focusing on aspects such as perceivability, operability, understandability, and robustness.
Evaluation and Timeline: KANU’s alignment with WCAG 2.1 criteria will be evaluated at three conformance levels (A, AA, and AAA). The assessment is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024.
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act:
Description: This U.S. federal law mandates that electronic and information technology be accessible to people with disabilities.
Evaluation and Timeline: KANU will be thoroughly assessed for Section 508 compliance, particularly focusing on software, web-based information, and multimedia. This evaluation is also set to be completed by the end of 2024.
EN 301 549:
Description: The European standard for the accessibility of ICT products and services, ensuring inclusivity for people with disabilities.
Evaluation and Timeline: KANU’s compliance with EN 301 549 will be analyzed with a focus on user interface and operability. The assessment process is scheduled to be finalized by the end of 2024.
Conformance Status:
Each criterion under WCAG 2.1, Section 508, and EN 301 549 will be evaluated, and KANU’s conformance will be categorized as ‘Conforms’, ‘Partially Conforms’, or ‘Does Not Conform’.
Approach to Evaluation:
The evaluation for each standard will involve automated testing, manual testing, and user testing, including input from people with disabilities. This comprehensive approach ensures an all-encompassing assessment of accessibility.
Documentation and Reporting:
Detailed documentation of the assessment process and findings will be maintained and made available for review upon request, offering transparency in KANU's commitment to accessibility.

Section 3: Terms

Definition: The extent to which a product, device, service, or environment is usable by as many people as possible, particularly by individuals with disabilities.
Context: In KANU's context, accessibility refers to the design and features of the platform that enable easy usage by individuals with a range of abilities, including those with disabilities.
WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines):
Definition: A set of guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities.
Application: KANU's alignment with WCAG involves ensuring that its web content is perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust for all users.
Section 508:
Definition: A part of the United States Rehabilitation Act that mandates federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities.
Application: For KANU, compliance with Section 508 means that the platform will be accessible to federal employees, contractors, and the general public who have disabilities.
EN 301 549:
Definition: The European standard for digital accessibility, outlining requirements for accessible information and communications technology (ICT).
Application: Compliance with EN 301 549 ensures that KANU is accessible and usable by individuals with disabilities within the European market.
Conformance Level:
Definition: The degree to which a product meets the specified accessibility standards, categorized as ‘Conforms’, ‘Partially Conforms’, or ‘Does Not Conform’.
Application: This indicates KANU's level of adherence to the outlined accessibility standards in each area of evaluation.
Not Evaluated:
Definition: Indicates a criterion within the accessibility standards that has not been assessed for the product.
Context: This term is used in KANU's current VPAT to denote areas that are pending evaluation.
Assistive Technology (AT):
Definition: Devices, software, or equipment that aid individuals with disabilities in performing functions that might be difficult or impossible otherwise.
Relevance: KANU's compatibility with various ATs like screen readers, alternative input devices, etc., is a key aspect of its accessibility features.
Screen Reader:
Definition: Software that allows visually impaired users to read screen-displayed text with a speech synthesizer or braille display.
Importance: Ensuring KANU's compatibility with screen readers is crucial for making the platform accessible to users with visual impairments.
User Interface (UI):
Definition: The point of interaction between a user and a computer, including elements like screens, keyboards, and mice.
Relevance: KANU's UI is designed to be intuitive and easily navigable, accommodating users with various abilities and preferences.

Section 4: Evaluation Methods Used

Evaluation Overview:
This section describes the methodologies and approaches employed in assessing KANU version 4.2.7, as of 1/19/24, for accessibility compliance against WCAG 2.1, Section 508, and EN 301 549 standards.
Evaluation Timeline:
All evaluations and assessments of KANU's accessibility features and compliance are scheduled for completion by the end of 2024. This timeline ensures a structured approach to achieving comprehensive accessibility.
Methodologies Used:
Automated Testing: Utilizing software tools to scan and identify accessibility issues within the KANU platform. This initial step helps in quickly pinpointing areas that require attention.
Manual Testing: Conducted by accessibility experts, manual testing involves a detailed review of the platform to ensure adherence to accessibility standards, especially in areas where automated tools may not be effective.
User Testing with Diverse Groups: Involving real users, particularly those with disabilities, to interact with KANU and provide feedback on its accessibility. This method ensures that the platform is tested in real-world scenarios.
Specific Evaluation Areas:
The evaluation will focus on key aspects of KANU, such as navigability, compatibility with assistive technologies, color contrast, text readability, keyboard accessibility, and multimedia content accessibility.
Consultation with Experts:
Collaborating with accessibility consultants and organizations specializing in digital accessibility to guide and validate the evaluation process.
Feedback Integration:
Regularly incorporating feedback from users and stakeholders into the ongoing development and refinement process. This includes making iterative improvements based on evaluation findings.
Documentation and Reporting:
Maintaining comprehensive records of all evaluations, findings, and remedial actions. These documents will be updated following each phase of the evaluation process and will be available for review to stakeholders interested in KANU's accessibility compliance journey.

Section 5: Accessibility Features

Current Accessibility Features (As of 1/19/24):
User Interface Design: KANU's user interface is designed with high contrast colors and scalable fonts to enhance readability for users with visual impairments.
Keyboard Navigation: The platform supports full keyboard navigation for users unable to use a mouse, ensuring all features are accessible via keyboard.
Screen Reader Compatibility: KANU is compatible with leading screen reader software, facilitating access for users with visual impairments.
Planned Accessibility Enhancements (By End of 2024):
Alternative Text for Images: Implementation of descriptive alternative text for all images, aiding users who rely on screen readers.
Closed Captioning and Audio Descriptions: Addition of closed captioning and audio descriptions to all multimedia content for users with hearing or visual impairments.
Customizable User Interface: Development of features allowing users to adjust the user interface to meet their individual needs (e.g., color schemes, font sizes).
Focus Indicators: Enhancement of keyboard navigation with clear focus indicators for better orientation and navigation.
Ongoing Development and Testing:
KANU is committed to continuously updating and testing its platform to enhance accessibility features. This includes regular revisions based on user feedback and advances in accessibility standards and technology.
User Feedback and Community Engagement:
Establishing channels for receiving and integrating user feedback into the development process. This includes forums, surveys, and direct communication channels for users to report accessibility concerns and suggest improvements.
Training and Awareness for Staff:
Implementing training programs for KANU staff to raise awareness about accessibility and ensure best practices are incorporated into product development.
Documentation and Support Resources:
Providing comprehensive documentation and support materials that are accessible and easy to understand. This includes user guides, FAQs, and tutorial videos with subtitles and/or sign language interpretation.

Section 6: Conformance Level

Current Conformance Status (As of 1/19/24):
KANU 4.2.7 is currently in the assessment phase for accessibility conformance. The following outlines the present status:
WCAG 2.1: Not Evaluated.
Section 508: Not Evaluated.
EN 301 549: Not Evaluated.
This status indicates that a comprehensive evaluation against these standards is scheduled and will be completed by the end of 2024.
Planned Steps for Achieving Conformance:
Gap Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis to identify areas where KANU does not meet the required accessibility standards.
Remediation Plan: Develop and implement a remediation plan to address identified gaps, with scheduled reviews and updates.
Regular Testing and Validation: Engage in continuous testing and validation processes to ensure ongoing conformance with evolving standards.
Timeline for Achieving Full Conformance:
KANU is committed to achieving full conformance with WCAG 2.1, Section 508, and EN 301 549 by the end of 2024. This includes reaching:
WCAG 2.1: Aim for at least Level AA conformance.
Section 508: Full compliance with revised 508 standards.
EN 301 549: Full compliance with the current version of the standard.
Ongoing Monitoring and Updates:
KANU will establish a process for ongoing monitoring of accessibility standards and updates to ensure that the platform remains in compliance as standards evolve and new technologies emerge.
Engagement with External Auditors:
Engage with external auditors for periodic reviews to provide an unbiased assessment of KANU’s accessibility conformance.
Reporting and Communication:
KANU will provide regular updates on its conformance status to stakeholders, including detailed reports after each major assessment or update.

Section 7: Detailed WCAG 2.1/Section 508/EN 301 549 Assessment

Assessment Methodology:
WCAG 2.1, Section 508, and EN 301 549: A detailed assessment for each of these standards is planned, with a focus on ensuring that KANU meets or exceeds the required accessibility criteria.
Process: The assessment will involve a combination of automated testing tools, manual evaluations by accessibility experts, and user testing with individuals who have disabilities.
Timeline for Assessment:
Comprehensive assessments for each standard are scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024. This timeline allows for a thorough evaluation and the implementation of necessary modifications.
Criteria and Features Evaluation:
Each criterion under WCAG 2.1, Section 508, and EN 301 549 will be methodically evaluated. The assessment will cover various aspects, including but not limited to:
Navigational aids
Text alternatives for non-text content
Audio and video accessibility features
Color contrast and visibility
Keyboard accessibility and input modalities
Readability and content structure
Compatibility with assistive technologies
Preliminary Findings (As of 1/19/24):
Initial reviews have identified areas for improvement, particularly in enhancing screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigability, and multimedia content accessibility. These areas will be prioritized in the upcoming detailed assessment.
Action Plan for Addressing Non-Conformance:
Following the assessment, an action plan will be developed to address areas where KANU currently does not conform. This plan will include specific steps, responsible parties, and timelines for each remediation effort.
Documentation of Findings and Measures Taken:
Detailed documentation of the assessment findings and subsequent measures taken for remediation will be maintained. This documentation will be transparent and available for review by stakeholders and users.
Future Assessments and Updates:
Regular assessments will be scheduled beyond 2024 to ensure ongoing compliance with the latest accessibility standards and practices. KANU is committed to continuously evolving and adapting its platform to meet the diverse needs of all users.

Additional Information:

Commitment to Inclusivity:
KANU reaffirms its dedication to fostering an inclusive digital environment. Our commitment extends beyond mere compliance with standards to genuinely ensuring that our platform is accessible and user-friendly for all, including individuals with disabilities.
Active Engagement and Implementation Plans:
Consulting with Accessibility Experts: KANU will collaborate with recognized experts in digital accessibility. These partnerships will help us stay abreast of the latest developments in the field and ensure that our platform incorporates best practices.
User Engagement Initiatives: Plans are in place to regularly engage with users who have disabilities. This will include structured feedback sessions, beta testing of new features with diverse user groups, and the creation of a dedicated accessibility advisory panel consisting of users with disabilities and experts.
Accessibility in Product Development: Future versions of KANU will be developed with a 'design for all' approach. Accessibility considerations will be integrated into the product development lifecycle, from initial design to final release.
Testing and Validation:
Comprehensive testing strategies will be implemented for all future releases. This includes both automated and manual testing, as well as user testing scenarios to ensure real-world applicability and effectiveness of our accessibility features.
Transparency and Communication:
KANU commits to maintaining transparency with its stakeholders regarding accessibility efforts. Regular updates on progress and enhancements in accessibility features will be communicated through various channels, including VPAT updates, community forums, and our website.
Training and Awareness for Staff:
Ongoing training programs for our staff will be instituted to raise awareness and competence in accessibility issues. This will ensure that our team is well-equipped to contribute to and support KANU’s accessibility goals.
Long-Term Vision for Accessibility:
Our vision is to not only meet current accessibility standards but to set new benchmarks in digital accessibility within the educational technology sector. KANU aims to be a platform that exemplifies inclusivity and usability for every user.
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