2. Feasibility Analysis

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Customer Discovery

👈🏼 More relevant cartoons from Tom
This section is mostly comprised of learnings from Giff Constable’s and the late great whom I had the privilege of learning under at USC.

🤔 Why is Customer Discovery Important?

We start ventures with a myriad of big assumptions we make about our world and how we can improve upon them. The problem is, we start off with a hyper narrow view of reality and what important problems other people are actually dealing with at scale. Therefore, we need to talk to as many people that fall under our target market as possible in order to fine tune and clarify the exact problem we are solving or to pivot entirely.

Talking to Humans Quotes

The mainstream is waiting for proof from early adopters before they try something. If you cannot get early adopters, you cannot move on. Early adopters are usually folks who feel a pain point acutely, or love to try new products and services (34)

Get into the market early and begin testing your assumptions right away, starting with conversations and proceeding from there. It will dramatically increase the odds that you will create a product that customers actually want. (62)

So, how do we start? 👇🏼

1. Fill out Table of Assumptions you are making in order to challenge them in the field

get to the 1st principles of your proposed problem by writing down all the assumptions you are making about your proposed problem
mark as validated after getting validation from the field
Example: founders don’t want to spend hundreds of hours performing customer discovery
talked to 30 founders who all expressed that customer discovery was a very difficult and tedious process
20 of them searched for 3rd party platforms to find potential target customers to interview but couldn’t find a good enough platform
were willing to pay $10 per quality interview
There are no rows in this table

2. Prepare List of

3. Go out and talk to humans and record them in

Record your interviews below and uncover trends/insights/opportunities
Aim to reach 100+ to be confident in the solution/product idea you propose

4. After you validate the problem, propose your product idea and go on to !

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