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Create 30 In 30 V0.5
Create 30 In 30: Music Momentum

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Framework #7: Rewriting Your Bio To Attract Your Fanbase

If you stick with producing music for an online audience consistently for just a few weeks, you will learn so much about yourself, your audience, and what resonates with your fans, that you will need to update your bio.

One of the most common mistakes music producers make when presenting themselves online is they write their bio as if they're talking with their friends. I love music, cats, and video games. Well, that's great, but fans have no idea what kind of music to expect from you.
The key to writing a great bio is to say, very clearly:
Who you are
What you do
Why fans should listen to your music
That's it.
Going back to our "Clever vs. Clear" framework, a great bio is not about being funny, or witty, or "punchy," or cool. Your bio is, quite literally, the most important piece of real estate you have on the Internet. And because social bios are short, it's your job to get the point across quickly, clearly, and efficiently.

Your Bio Checklist

You're probably noticing a trend: clarity in your creations, clarity in your content, clarity in your bio.
So much of producing music online (and becoming an online music producer) is learning how to present 100% clarity to fans. Confusion is the enemy. If a fan is ever confused about what kind of music you are presenting them, their default answer is, "No." Within a millisecond, they've moved on. They've scrolled past you—or swiped back to another platform like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube.
Which means the way you present yourself in your bio is crucial.
Fans make snap judgments about whether or not your music is worth listening to and following based on your bio. They really don't care whether you like cats, or what your favorite show on Netflix is. The only question they're asking themselves is, "Am I interested in this type of music?" And the fastest, most effective way to answer that question for fans is to make it very clear what kind of music you produce—and, even better, what they can expect to hear or experience in return.
If the fan is interested in that genre, they follow.
If the fan is not interested in that genre, they don't follow.
This sort of binary decision is what you want.

👉 Next up:

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If you want to continue to:
Learn ways to build up your audience
Release music consistently to raving fans
Create opportunities for yourself online
Be apart of a exclusive community of like minded producers working towards the same goals
Then here is your invitation to do exactly that with Create 30 in 30 below:

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