
icon picker
Setup Guide

I use the pack to get GPS coordinates from my phone and send them back to my Coda doc, in general the pack can be used to give your docs capabilities more like a native app

Pack overview

With this Pack you can link Coda docs to your Android phone using the Tasker app with the AutoRemote plugin. Imagine the possibilities of sending sending commands and messages from Coda your phone and back.
It's useful for anyone who wants send commands to their phone and to pull live data from their phone into a Coda doc.
Note: I didn’t make AutoRemote, but it’s a key part of making this work. Check out the AutoRemote details at

Introduction to the Setup

In this quick guide, we're setting up an integration between Coda.io and Android using Tasker and the AutoRemote extension. We’ll cover:
Tasker and AutoRemote Setup: is free for 7 days ($3.5 after that) , and has both a
free and a
paid version (about $3.5).
Configuring Coda.io with AutoRemote Pack: We'll add and set up the AutoRemote (Tasker) pack in your Coda.io document.
Linking and Messaging: You'll learn how to link Coda.io to AutoRemote with a personal key, and how to send and receive messages between them using webhooks and Tasker tasks.

Setup Steps

Tasker: Install/buy tasker on your phone on your phone, you can read everything about it on
AutoRemote: Install/buy a version of AutoRemote
, read more about it
Get your personal key from your personal url parameters
Pack: Add to your doc ​
In authentication set your personal key. Pack settings > account, add an account and set your personal key as the API key.
Send a test message
< Right click to see formula e.g. Send message(”test=:=testmessage”)
Configuring Tasker/AutoRemote:
In Tasker under PROFILES add a new one (+) and select: Event > Plugin > AutoRemote > AutoRemote
For this test you can skip configuration, but here you can set up filters and other config, for more details on how AutoRemote works see the
Add a task, for example ‘CmdFromCoda’ in this task you can get the whole message from the %armessage variable or a part for example using %arcomm. In the Example task below I’ve added an if to match for the arpar to be ‘test’ (the left part of the message) and to flash the right part (%arccomm) on screen.
Setting up a Webhook:
In coda add an automation
(Under document settings (gear icon top right) > Automations > + Add rule)
Select Rule > When > Webhook invoked
Here you can copy the URL and the Token we will need to trigger this webhook.
We wil come back later on configuring this rule
Triggering a webhook
In tasker, within the task that has received the command add a Net > ‘HTTP Request’ or HTTP Post
Configure it with the URL and bearer token in the header you can get from the webhook rule set in step 5. See the example below. In this example the command sent was something like, getCoords=:={rowID}, the tasker task gets the Location with get location v2, stores the coordinates in %gl_latitude and %gl_longitude and passes them and also the rowID from the command as JSON in the body of the request.
Recieving a webhook
Back in our coda rule we can now store and parse the result from Tasker, for example by updating the row the request might have originated from.
Don’t forget to turn on your rule

That should be all, you now know how to send messages and commands and how te get results back
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.