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Golden Path

The golden path refers to the ideal or optimal path that a player can take through the game. It is designed to provide the most engaging and rewarding experience, guiding players through key gameplay elements, story beats, and challenges. The golden path ensures that players have a clear progression and understanding of the game's mechanics, while still allowing for some freedom and exploration. It is carefully crafted to provide a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience for the majority of players, while still accounting for different playstyles and skill levels.
1. We are in the mansion basement corridor and we have to turn on our weapon flashlight because there is no electricity.
The player have to get a petrol jerrycan to power the electrical generator.
The jerrycan is in a lock room, we can see it through a window.
The player must shoot in the padlock to open the door
The player get the the pretrol jerrycan and heads for the electrical generator room
When the player fills the generator, the doors close and he find himself separeted from the group.
The player must have a code if he want to open this closed door

The player have to take another way to join his group
By taking another path, we start hearing scream and shoots
We’re missing out on a great door with a technological and a secure aspect
We slowly cross long dark corridor with several room and find a dead body
We enter in a huge room with and we are on the second floor of this one and we have a view on the first floor in the center of the room
Untitled 1.png
We met the creature who push us on the first floor where we faint
We waking up on another room ⇒ We only have a gun on us ⇒ Our goal is to find our allies
The player is going to the IT room
He find a dead body in this room with a SD Card on his side
The player must go to the computer to read the SD Card
The player have to find the computer password
The player must decrypt the SD card content with a puzzle
The player can watch a body cam video
The player must open the closed door to acess to the first floot of the manor
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