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SA workshop 1
Workshop #1 - Overview


Why is Positioning so important to SA?
SA has a prior reputation as a Roster
Because it’s approached production as a roster, there is a disconnect in the direct relationships w/ brand contacts
Most contacts/jobs come from:


One Studio Competing in 2 Dueling Markets
So let’s create our own market....
Joe pop up video: concerns when trying to do this → insert note here



Joe Positioning - Draft #1

The What Way Brands Help Consumers is Changing

So is the way we communicate them
Brands need to serve a broad, diverse groups of consumers
Segmented audiences require bespoke creative voices to speak to those audiences/consumers
We provide a wide range of creative voices, and assemble under one strategic umbrella
To develop a whole brand ecosystem
That is differentiated, unique and consistent

How We Do This

To help brands bring these authentic stories to life, instead of holding an overhead of hundreds of artists
We keep our focused on specific, high level, craft artists, storytellers, grafitti artists, writers, poets
AKA - it Doesn’t fucking matter who you need or what you need, our role is part design studio, part strategic partners, part creative company, part talent company

This allows us to ensure we are bringing the right voices into your brand

It ensure our flexibility
It ensures we are not just giving you a creative director and team that happens to be available
Every team is like a brand new, custom recipe, that we will only make once, for you
That’s how you don’t get a brand that looks like the next
That’s how we ensure you stand out from the noise
Our goal is to foster and grow this talent through our network and relationships
Hand picking artists who fit our cultural and philosophical approach to brand experience

Who We Work With

We are not the right fit for every brand
We collaborate with brands because of our POV and because of what we bring
We dont just work with companies, because we work in sectors or industries

Sunday Afternoon is a Design Studio

We Design Brands, Brand Experiences, Brand Emotions, Brand Stories
Where do we do this?
We Design Brand Interfaces, Touchpoints, Platforms

We are Brand builders
We Create your brand’s world
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