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Luke Series
Jesus Picks His Team


Week 3

This Week’s Bible Story

Jesus Chooses Peter (Luke 5:1-11) One day, Jesus was teaching in front of a very big crowd. It was so crowded that he spotted a boat nearby that belonged to a fisherman named Peter and climbed into it. When he was done teaching, he turned to Peter and said, “If you take the boat over there, you will catch lots of fish.” Peter wasn’t so sure, but he decided to trust Jesus anyway. Before they knew it, there were so many fish that their nets almost broke! Everyone was amazed by the miracle they just witnessed. Then Peter dropped his nets and left everything he had to follow Jesus!

Play Time + Check-in
8:15 - 8:50
10:15 - 10:50

Greet kids and families as they arrive. Make connections with kids by getting on their level, playing with them and asking fun questions to get to know them.

Worship Time
9:00 - 9:15
11:00 - 11:15

Before you leave for worship, make sure each child is wearing a wristband so you know who is in your class. Have your kids line up and lead them to worship outside in the grass area.

Bible Story
9:15 - 9:25
11:15 - 11:25

Use the story cards provided to read this week’s Bible story.

Memory Verse
9:25 - 9:30
11:30 - 11:35

Introduce this month’s memory verse by saying it out loud and showing them the motions. Have the kids practice by repeating after you.
For we live (point to yourself using your thumbs)
by believing (put your hands on your heart)
and not (wave your finger back and forth)
by seeing. (put your hand over your eye like you’re looking for something)
2 CORINTHIANS 5:7 (open and close your hands like a book)

9:30 - 9:35
11:30 - 11:35

Close your small group time by praying with your kids. This week’s prayer focus is on PLEASE PRAYERS. Ask the kids in your group, “Where in your life do you need God’s help?” Take time to pray for each of the things that were shared.

Craft + Snack
9:35 - 9:50
11:35 - 11:50

Invite the kids to take a seat at the table to work on this week’s craft. Supplies will be provided, as well as an example of the craft. Pass out snacks as kids are working on their craft.
THIS WEEK’S CRAFT: Give each child a blue piece of paper. Invite the kids to create an underwater scene on their piece of paper by adding fish stickers to their page.

Movie Time
9:50 - 10:10
11:50 - 12:10

Use the Apple TV provided to watch a movie together during check-out. While kids are watching their movie, you can get a head start on cleaning up before parents arrive.
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