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Luke Series
The Good News


Week 12

This Week’s Bible Story

The Gospel Story (Luke 23-24) Jesus loves us so much that he was willing to give his life for you. When we trust in Jesus and listen to what he says, we become friends with Jesus — and we get to live with him forever in heaven!
Monthly Verse: For we live by believing and not by seeing. 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7

Check-in + Worship
8:30 - 9:05
10:30 - 11:05

As kids check in, invite them to join their parents in the Auditorium during worship. Once the worship set ends, wait in the back for kids to join you and lead them back to the Zion Kids area.

9:05 - 9:15
11:05 - 11:15

Let kids answer today’s icebreaker question: What’s your favorite story ever? (Could be a favorite movie or a favorite book!)

Bible Story
9:15 - 9:30
11:15 - 11:30

Look up Luke 23-24 and tell the Bible story in your own words.
Key Story Points:
In the beginning, God made the world and everything in it — including the first man and woman. Everything God made was good. God only had one rule for the man and the woman... Do not eat from the special tree. But they disobeyed God and ate from the tree. This made God sad, because sin had just entered the world... but the story is not over!
There is a punishment for our sin. God knew that only one person could save us... Jesus! So he sent his son to become a person just like you and me. He lived a good life and never did anything wrong. Only someone who lived a perfect life — like Jesus — could pay the price for our sin.
Even though Jesus lived a perfect life, some of the people did not believe that he was the son of God. So they hung him on a cross and he died. He gave his life to save you and me from our sin... but the story is not over!
Three days later, Jesus rose from the grave. Jesus is alive! This meant that he really was the son of God and he really did come to save us!
Jesus loves us so much that he was willing to give his life for you. When we trust in Jesus and listen to what he says, we become friends with Jesus — and we get to live with him forever in heaven!

9:30 - 9:40
11:30 - 11:40

What do you think it means to be a follower of Jesus?
If you haven’t made that decision already, is that something you might want to do today?

Prayer Time
9:40 - 9:45
11:40 - 11:45

Use this time to pray over the kids who just made decisions to follow Jesus and/or those who already have.

9:40 - 9:45
11:40 - 11:45

ACTIVITY OPTION: Designate one side of the room as “true” and the other side as “false.” Explain that you will make statements about the Bible story. The children are to run to the side they think is “true” or “false.” Use the statements below or make up your own:
In the beginning, the world was already filled with sin and hurt. (False)
Even though we sin, God still loves us. (True)
God did not have a plan to fix what sin has broken. (False)
Jesus cares about us. (True)
Jesus broke the power of sin and death by dying on the cross and then coming back to life three days later. (True)
The hurt and hardships we experience today are forever. (False)
Everyone who trusts in Jesus will live with Him forever in the future! (True)
CRAFT OPTION: Create a bracelet and explain the meaning behind each color.
Yellow reminds us of heaven. The most wonderful thing about heaven is that it is God's home. God loves us and wants us all to be with him in heaven.
The black bead reminds us of sin. Sins are the things we do that make God unhappy. Telling lies and disobeying our parents are examples of sins. Because of sin, our hearts are no longer clean and we cannot be with God. On our own, we can't make our hearts clean.
Red reminds us of the blood of Jesus. Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for our sins. On the third day, Jesus became alive again.
The white bead reminds us that because Jesus took the punishment for our sins, our hearts can now be made clean. We now can have a relationship with God and will one day be with him in heaven if we:
1Admit that we have sinned and ask God to forgive us.
Believe that Jesus died on the cross to be punished instead of us.
Invite Jesus into our lives to help us turn away from sin.
Green reminds us that it is important to grow in our relationship with Jesus by talking to God, reading God’s word, the Bible, and obeying him.

Play Time + Check-out
9:45 - 10:10
11:45 - 12:10

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