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Good review

Hosting Yuri and his wife was an absolute pleasure! They were respectful, clean, and great communicators from start to finish. They treated our home as if it were their own and left it in excellent condition. It was clear that they took care to follow all of our house rules and were considerate of our neighbors as well.
Moreover, Yuri was friendly, personable, and made an effort to connect with us in a thoughtful and genuine way.
Overall, we highly recommend Yuri and crew as Airbnb guests. They were considerate, communicative, and a pleasure to host. We would be thrilled to have them stay with us again in the future!

Good short review

Brad and family were great Airbnb guests! They were friendly, respectful, and took good care of our cabin. They are welcome back anytime.

Glowing review for Bubby

We had the pleasure of hosting Bubby and family and I must say, they were an absolute delight to have as guests! Not only were they friendly and courteous, but they also went above and beyond to ensure that their stay was as comfortable as possible.
During their stay, we had a bit of trouble getting the thermostat running properly, but Bubby was more than willing to work with us to resolve the issue. He was patient and persistent, and together we were able to figure it out.
They also treated our home with the utmost respect. They kept the space tidy and clean throughout their stay, and communicated with us promptly and clearly.
Overall, I would highly recommend Bubby and family as guests to any future hosts. Their positive attitude, great communication skills, and willingness to work through any challenges that arose made them an absolute pleasure to have in our cabin. Thank you, Bubby, for being such a fantastic guest!

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