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Check-out - Day of
Halløj [name],
We truly hope you’ve been having an amazing time in Arnold!
When you are ready, here are the checkout instructions to help you quickly get on to your next adventure:
Check-out time: Noon
Before you leave, we would greatly appreciate it if you could:
Put the dishes in the dishwasher and fire it up.
Strip the beds that were used and toss all the sheets on the ground by the bed. (This is a COVID cleaning best practice)
Double check that all trash and food is picked up outside (let’s not feed bears and other forest critters!!)
Set the fireplace thermostat to 55 and turn off the one on the right.
That’s it! Just double check the door on your way out…push the ‘Yale’ button and give it a pull to make sure it locks, please.
If you have any feedback, please do let us know. Whatever thoughts you have, we would appreciate them.
We’re delighted to have had the opportunity to have you as our guest! Hope to see you again next time you hear the mountains a callin’!
Thanks again, really,
Jenny & Matt

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