
Submit your workshop!


What are workshops?

1 host / ~50 people / 1 topic / ~45min More than 20 workshops will be held at Elevate this year. Workshops are a hybrid format between Keynotes and Roundtables
More interactive, tactical, intimate than Keynotes
More prepared, outcome driven and focused than roundtables.
Wed-Thu, June 5-6, 2024 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Convene SF 40 O'Farrell St, San Francisco, CA


Expected audience

Elevate is very targeted event and we can proudly say:
97% of the attendance is ENGINEERING
60% of the audience can be considered ENG LEADERS (broad definition, tech lead+)
Our IC audience is rather senior (informal leaders / future leaders)
Another way to think about workshop audience: people will self select themselves. So if you ask yourself, “this topic is only relevant for EMs”... well that’s ok! Just make sure the title reflects that so it attracts the right people.

3-step structure of a workshop

Workshops are comprised of 3 main steps:

A learning experience

With such format, we expect attendees to learn via 2 streams:

What is my role as a host?

You introduce the topic: your presentation should be insightful. Attendees should learn something from your presentation
You keep track of time during all 3 phases
Presentation - easy, you are in full control
Breakouts - end the breakouts when needed
Learnings sharing - make sure each group has a chance to share
You are the expert, you can comment, share your own thoughts
You are a cheerleader, a coach - no idea is a bad idea, you make everyone feel safe to share

How should I pick my topic?

We have developed the following framework of how engineering teams operate. Pick from there

Personal Productivity


Guidelines for your presentation

People remember stories. So make sure your presentation follows the following guidelines:
1 Insights into how the best companies operate - how does companyX do things?
2 Non-generic advice - Focus on what stands out, things that are not readily available online. If 10 medium articles are saying the same thing, maybe other topic
3 Actionable advice - as a attendee, what can I apply next week/month in my teams?
4 Examples - advice should come from real-life events. we want to get away from idealistic views not rooted in reality

What is a good breakout prompt?

Once your presentation is done, you launch the breakouts with a good prompt that will keep the groups busy discussing As a reminder, breakouts are meant to generate ideas flagged as “START DOING / STOP DOING / CONTINUE DOING”.
Your breakout prompt basically enables each attendee to reflect on the topic (see framework) and discuss on what is working (CONTINUE), what they could be doing (START), and what is not working (STOP DOING)


As a workshop host, you get:
1 free ticket for yourself
3 free tickets to give away
Unlimited discounted 40% OFF tickets

One last thing

We are actively working to have someone supporting you during the workshop from our staff in charge of:
keeping track of time
smooth flow between all 3 steps
support of any kind
It will be confirmed as we get closer to the event!

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