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Answer a community question!

Every week, we enable mentors to share tips from their own experience.

The answers you provide will be reviewed and if selected, will be added to our weekly newsletter sent to 30k engineering leaders!


If your answer does not follow the guidelines below, we reserve the right not to publish.
1 - Focus - Keep it short by focusing on one specific aspect / advice
2 - Non-generic advice - Focus on what stands out, things that are not readily available online. If 10 medium articles are saying the same thing, find something else
3 - Actionable advice - as a reader, what can I apply next week/month in my teams?
4 - Real life Example - share a real story to illustrate your advice
5 - Length - Limit to 200 words (roughly 15 lines in the survey)
6 - Context - Anchor your advice in context: size / stage of company etc...
7 - No AI generated answers - Duh

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