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Schedule your To-dos with Google Calendar

This is a template to illustrate how a Coda doc can schedule your To-dos to your Google Calendar.


This is a quick example of how to add an event to your calendar with a specific date, time, and duration. For this example, there is a collection of user generated ToDo's. Sometimes those ToDo's need dedicated time to get them done. For those ToDo's Coda has a solution by adding them directly to the calendar. This would be great for meeting notes with follow-ups that require time to get them done or a specific due date.


1️⃣ Add a new ToDo to the table below.
2️⃣ If you need to pencil in time to do your ToDo add a date and time to the Start column and the Time you'd like to spend on it.
3️⃣ The "Schedule This" button will appear. Once pressed your ToDo will show up as a scheduled event on your Google Calendar.
Things to do
Time Needed
Call the roofing guy for an estimate by Tuesday
This will be the second estimate. Call 367-5809
Oct 22, 2018, 2:00 PM
45 mins
Schedule This
Practice piano for the show
Need to tune instrument.
Oct 28, 2018, 6:30 PM
1 hr
Schedule This
There are no rows in this table

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