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Introductory Guide To Web Development (2)
Introductory Guide To Web Development


During orientation we covered:
An introduction to this series, logistical information and some expectations
Introduction to visual studio code and setting up for a project
Please see the ppt given below for the main things covered at orientation
2.9 MB
Please see the below video on how to utilize visual studio code to set up a project, use live server, and download the live server plugin. The video is in the following link, please click on link to view video
For this course, two main softwares are required, please see below
Visual Studio Code, IDE or code editor we will use ()
Sublime Text, a text editor that can be used to code ()
Google Chrome, how we will see the results of your webpage ()
Alternatively, if you have a different software IDE or code editor that supports html and css, and it can also support multiple pages/files of html and css, you can also use that, but please note that I would not know how to use some softwares as I just never heard of the software before.

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