
Revenue River Investments

Sell your home for top-dollar even in a declining market.

Thinking about selling your home?

At Revenue River Investments, we understand that selling your home is a significant decision. That’s why we provide a seamless, personalized and hassle-free experience for homeowners like you. Keep reading to explore the benefits of Creative Financing, how it has helped people across the country for over a hundred years, and discover why working with us is the key to a stress-free sale.

Unlocking Your Home’s Potential

Maximize your home’s value by offering flexible financing options to potential Buyers.
Attract a wider pool of Buyers, including those who may not qualify for traditional mortgages.
Eliminate the need for costly repairs or renovations, as Buyers can often accept the property as-is.

Financial Freedom

Enjoy a consistent stream of income with regular payments from the Buyer.
Say goodbye to the uncertainty of market fluctuations, as you can set your own terms and interest rates.
Reduce your tax burden through potential capital gains tax deferral strategies.

Seller Financing Breakdown

An agreement directly between the Buyer & Seller where the loan is structured to be paid down over time.
Similar to the loan structure from a mortgage lender, except the Buyer & Seller have the flexibility to create/negotiate their own terms. Including:
Monthly Payment
Loan Length
With no bank needing to be involved in the transaction, the Buyer, Seller, and property do not need to qualify for traditional lending requirements.

Streamlined Process

Simplify the selling process with our expert team guiding you every step of the way.
We handle all the paperwork, from negotiation to contracts, making it effortless for you.
Quick and efficient closings, in as little as 14 days, to ensure you get your cash sooner.

Personalized Support

Our dedicated professionals work closely with you to create a tailored financing solution that meets your unique needs.
We prioritize your goals and keep you informed throughout the transaction.
Experience peace of mind knowing you have a trusted partner by your side.

Benefits to you, the Seller

The Seller can often obtain a higher offer than with traditional financing.
By being open to terms, the Seller will receive payments, creating truly passive income.
Both parties may openly negotiate terms that align with both their lifestyle and financial goals.
No more property taxes, licenses/permits, insurance, tenants, maintenance/repairs, renovations, etc.
May minimize capital gains taxes and allocate the recapture of depreciation over time.
Without the bank’s financing contingencies, the transaction can close quicker and typically at a much lower cost to you.
Again, since the property doesn’t need to qualify for traditional lending, you can sell in “as-is” condition.
No dealing with banks, you become the bank (including the financial reward).

Stress-Free Selling

Bid farewell to the headaches of staging, open houses, and showings.
Minimize the time & effort required to sell your property.
Avoid the uncertainty of the traditional market and its unpredictable timelines. No more homes aging on the market for 30, 60 or even 90 days - we can close quickly.

At Revenue River Investments, we help homeowners achieve their financial goals through Seller Financing

Our commitment to transparency, efficiency, and personalized service sets us apart in the real estate investment industry. Trust us to navigate the complexities of Seller Financing, so you can enjoy a smooth and pain-free selling experience.
Ready to explore the benefits of Seller Financing? Contact us today, and let’s start the journey toward unlocking the full potential of your home. Your stress-free sale awaits!


Is Revenue River an institutional investor?

We are not institutional investors. We are a small, family-owned business with a passion for real estate & the ability to help Owners all over the country get top-dollar for their property, despite the downturn in the market. We prefer to put more money in your pocket than to fill the coffers of the bank.

Why Seller Financing vs. Traditional Bank Financing?

Traditional financing has more disadvantages than benefits. It is slow, time-consuming, invasive, impacts credit, has many restrictions in place (which limit our ability to help more sellers, as we’d only be allowed up to 10 home loan products at a given time). At the end of the day, there’s usually only one “Winner” in a traditional financing purchase, and that is not the Buyer, nor the Seller, it is the bank. With Seller Finance, you are the bank, meaning that the monies normally paid to the bank are instead paid to you.

What do the Terms typically look like?

While there isn’t necessarily a “typical” set of Seller Finance terms, it often provides many more options to both parties than traditional financing. Here are some guidelines to help contextualize:
If the Seller’s primary need is a better return, they may negotiate a higher purchase price
If the Seller is looking for a fast return, they can negotiate a shorter term on the transaction
Alternatively, as the Buyer, we will often focus on negotiating a reasonable monthly payment.
We’ll help to ensure the deal is structured in a way that your ask puts us in a great position to make the monthly payments to you on time, every time.

What happens if you fail to make a payment or are abducted by aliens?

You’ll be relieved to know, we’ve never missed a payment. In fact, we’ve never been late on a payment. ​If we were, or if we were abducted by aliens, that would likely be the most ideal scenario for you - you would regain possession of the home, keep our down payment, keep all of the payments we’ve already made to you, and you’d benefit from all of the improvements we’d made to the property after purchase too. You are then free to resell the property again (potentially even at a higher price if the market has improved).

What happens with my existing tenants?

If you have tenants, that is no problem - it may even be a positive if they have good payment history and care for the property. We work with the largest property management organization in North America to ensure your tenants are well-cared for and may continue to enjoy their home. Upon closing, we’ll ask you to furnish any existing leases in place, as well as the tenant(s)’ contact information and will be diligent to provide you & your tenants a seamless transition experience.

What work needs to be done to my home before sale?

In almost every purchase, we buy homes in “as-is” condition meaning you don’t have to worry about expensive and costly repairs/renovations like: painting, landscaping, drywall patches/replacement, flooring, etc. That means your home may be ready to sell today instead of months down the road after all the headaches - we make it simple.

Who owns the home?

Ownership of the property operates in the same manner as a traditional transaction where the Buyer will retain full ownership of the home. The financier (the Seller) will retain a primary lien on the home.

What if something happens to the home?

Since we all know that accidents happen - including home fires & natural disasters - it is important to note that we are required to carry home insurance on the property, listing you as an additionally insured party until the note is paid off. In the off-chance something happens to the property, this policy will serve to protect your interests.

What are the disadvantages of Seller Finance?

You’re still skeptical...surely there are some disadvantages, right? Depending on your situation, perhaps. The Seller does not receive the purchase price of their home in a single lump sum payment, which may not be a good fit if looking to pay off a large sum of debt/to buy a new property in cash. Though it may help defray capital gains by spreading the payments over time (discuss with your tax professional), this method does not work with 1031 exchanges. Unless a short term is negotiated, an older Seller may not see all of the equity from the sale in their lifetime. However, the note is inheritable and can be passed down to their heirs/estate.

The market in my area changed before I was ready to sell, can you help?

Accepting terms on your home allows much more flexibility in structuring a payout that is a win-win for both parties. We won’t send you lowball cash offers, we will generally pay any reasonable asking price.

How long will it take for me to get paid?

We negotiate terms differently for every property. It is common to see payments amortized over 15, 20, 30 and sometimes even 100 years. This doesn’t mean you’ll be “married” to us for the entire duration though - once an established payment history has been made, we will seek to refinance the property and pay off the remainder of the note directly to you (ideally around Year 10 of payments).

How much should I expect to pay in Closing Costs?

In most transactions, we will cover the Closing Costs, reducing your out-of-pocket expenses even further.

How much interest should I expect to earn?

Part of our ability to pay the full asking price, or higher, even in a declining market, stems from the fact that our Sellers see the benefit of offering Low (1-3%) to NO (0%) interest on the note. This provides us the opportunity to generate enough cash flow through the investment to build the interest into the purchase price, meeting/exceeding your ask. ​Example: Our most recent offer on a Seller-asking price of $200,000 was: $225,000 purchase price 0% interest rate $40,000 mortgage payoff Amortized over 30 years with the option to pay off the note at Year 10 This gave the Seller peace of mind knowing they were no longer stuck with mortgage payments, tenants, maintenance, taxes, insurance, late-night phone calls about the property and they’ll receive an additional $25,000 over their asking price in passive income.

What if I need some cash upfront in order to move?

Though we tend to work with Sellers who own the property free & clear with 100% equity in the property, they sometimes need a bit of cash to jumpstart their move. We’re open to negotiating with you to find a creative solution with the right balance between payments & cash so everyone walks away from the closing table knowing both parties will benefit from the arrangement.

If I still have a mortgage in place, can I benefit from Creative Financing and sell to you?

In short, yes! Though not our Primary method of buying homes, if you’re a motivated Seller looking to move on from your property there may be a few options available to you: One option - if you have a low mortgage balance, we may be able to provide a down payment large enough to pay off the existing mortgage. Another option - allowing us to assume the existing mortgage note. Mortgage note assumptions present both additional benefits and risks to the Seller completely independent of Seller Finance and should be discussed with us further before considering this option.

Have more questions? Send them my way: .
If interested in selling your home, while avoiding the headache-inducing process, we would love to see how we can help. Have a unique situation and wondering if you’d be a good candidate to benefit from a Creative Finance home purchase? Reach out and we’ll help you determine if we’re a good fit!
My team & I are ready to help you move on to the next chapter of life, TODAY!

How Can We Help?

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