
icon picker

Set goals for the year

Review goals + projects
Set MIT for the week
Identify the next action step

Check GC + Trello
Set MIT for the day
Identify the next action step
Deep Work: use the Jax Pomodoro ( /
use the break time for Daily Habits
sporadically have breaks where you read physical manga ()
tbh, this is genius as it uses the healthy activities to rewire yourself to love Deep Work

On Focus
Break the flow of Inactivity: transition into focus mode by using
as a focus warm up
Unconscious Conditioning: associate tasks with the ultimate outcome (not the immediate outcome)
Fulfillment - Do
Depression - Avoid
Sunk cost Fallacy: focus on maximizing the time you have left, not what’s already gone

On Meetings
Use it as an opportunity to do things important to your health > GTG + Mobility

On Guilt
Do not have guilt about not being “productive”
Have 2 modes: work / recreation
Do not dwell in a limbo state where you feel as if you should work on something but don’t fully commit to recreational activity and instead and consume low-value content online
Either fully engage in your work (Deep Work) or fully immerse yourself in your hobbies (open time).

Time Blocking: allocate time blocks for Work and Life to minimize context switching
9-5: Work
5-9: Life


Links to revisit

Recognize and celebrate your accomplishments
Focus on the process and look forward to the next goal / step
Find satisfaction in the journey, not the destination

“The best way is always to stop when you are going good and when you know what will happen next. If you do that every day when you are writing a novel you will never be stuck. That is the most valuable thing I can tell you so try to remember it.”
― Ernest Hemingway

conslidate articles that are good
paul graham
sam altman

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