
How to Turn Data Into Insights and Impactful SEO Strategies

Data has an impact and can improve people's lives and help a business succeed!
Data is very important for a number of reasons: it can improve people's lives, it helps you make important decisions and achieve the outcomes you want, and it gives you access to the resources around you. But let's talk more about how to turn them into insights.
While collecting SEO data is important, what you do with the data is even more important. There are many obstacles on the path from data to insights, but if you use different tactics wisely, you can overcome them and impact your SEO efforts. If you’re looking for help with your SEO data analysis, there are many experienced available.

1. Monitor the metrics that are important for the project

SEO metrics vary and allow you to measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and make corrective changes based on the data. Some of them are New Referring Domains, Domain Authority, On-Page Optimization Results, Impressions, Click-through Rate, Keyword Rankings, Organic Visibility, Organic Traffic and Page Speed, and Core Web Vitals.
If you don't monitor all of these SEO metrics, your data may not tell the whole story, making it difficult to gain actionable insights. For example, if you're only monitoring impressions, you won't be able to draw conclusions. You should check other metrics.
For example, it is not a successful campaign if you set up a campaign on Amazon and track only impressions, while ACoS increases to 190% after a month. And you should adjust your plan by changing keywords, bids, or budget in general, for example, as this data comes from the analyzed reports. By monitoring this data, you can make the campaign a success and increase your product sales.
By monitoring metrics, you can turn data into insights and impact

2. Use clear images and visuals

A logical method for conveying quantitative content visually is data visualization. Data can be presented in different ways depending on its characteristics, e.g. in the form of line charts and scatter plots.
With clear visualizations, data can be better understood and transformed into insights. They facilitate the understanding of complex data and thus also the implementation of measures.
Data visualization is also very important in SEO. And you can use and templates.

3. Select the right tools

The right tools can make data collection and analysis much easier, especially if you're tracking SEO results for a number of websites or clients. Below are a few tools that can help you turn data into useful insights: IntelligenceBank Marketing Software, Click Up, Gryffin, and Wrike.
Click Up, for example, is a project management software that provides users with multiple productivity tools in one comprehensive platform. These include goal tracking, whiteboards, dashboards, task management, checklists, and more. By using platforms like this, your data can be transformed into insights and impact team time, and create a successful strategy, for SEO and other departments.
Using the right tools can improve your marketing strategies, but you can also work with different companies to get better results. Nowadays SEO is a vital part of businesses, which means that it is easy to find a company to work with. Wherever you are look for companies that are experienced and have a proven record of clients that they have helped succeed. Regardless of what business you have, you need to create a strong marketing strategy. For instance, if you have a law firm, then find experts that offer to get advice on what strategy works best for such firms, what needs to be changed to target your existing customers and new ones, and what steps to take next to achieve a higher ranking on SERPs.

4. Create Hypotheses and test them

A is an assumption made as a justification to see if it could be true. By creating hypotheses you can find potential solutions to the problems you’ve identified in your SEO data.
By monitoring, you can take action to make the data come to a successful end. 3 components of hypotheses are observation, execution, and outcome.
Let's discuss the hypothesis and its components with an example:


This is the phase where you monitor the Amazon campaign and see that people click on the campaign but don't buy the product. In this phase, you can see that we should change something, and then comes the execution component.


At this stage, after monitoring and reviewing the reports, change the keywords, pause some of them or change them to negative keywords.


After you change the keywords or the bids for the keywords and wait for the results.
Testing your hypothesis is the only way to determine if it is true. To do this, you must perform the action you propose.


Data is very important for every department of the company, and it is more difficult to turn it into insights. But if you know what data to collect and what tools to use, it will be an easy process. By using different visualizations, it is easier to understand SEO data and make a decision. By using hypotheses and their components and testing them, you can conclude what you need to do in the next step of your SEO strategy.
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