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Microsoft Word 2016 Basics
Setup Game

Category Setup

Instructions: Replace the questions below with your own questions and answers.
Category Number
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collections of styles which contain coordinated colors and fonts
Style Sets
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graphic object or text positioned behind the text of a document
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way in which a rectangular page is orientated for normal viewing
Page Orientation
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long side of the page runs horizontal
Landscape Orientation
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long side of the page runs vertical
Portrait Orientation
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break entered by Word to start a new page when the current page is full
Soft Page Break
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break entered by the user before the current page is full
Hard Page Break
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text or graphics which are printed at the top of each page in a document
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text or graphics which are printed at the bottom of each page in a document
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text or graphic which has been linked to another location
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grid of horizontal rows and vertical columns into which data can be entered to organize information
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object in which text can be added and placed anywhere on a page
Text Box
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Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.