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iwoca interview welcome pack: Tech, Analytics and Product (TAP).
iwoca interview welcome pack: Tech, Analytics and Product (TAP).

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Reducing bias.

We recognise that unconscious bias can inadvertently influence an interview process and make objective and fair hiring decisions.
Here’s some info about our processes we’ve been working on to minimise bias and ensure a level playing field for all candidates.

Standardised Interview Questions.
We have introduced structured interview questions that focus on job-related skills and experiences, reducing the potential for bias. By using standardised questions, we create a level playing field for all candidates and ensure fair assessments based on merit rather than subjective judgments.

Objective Interview Scorecards.
We've created objective interview question scoring processes, with scoring definitions for each question. In standardising the evaluation, and using averages with more than one interviewer, it reduces the opportunity for bias. Objective scorecards enable us to fairly benchmark external candidates against our internally transparent salary bandings.

Randomised Codenames.
We give each candidate a random codename when they complete iwoca tests and tasks; this means the panel reviewing the tasks only evaluates candidate performance on their work example alone, removing opportunity for subconscious bias. In most cases, an interviewer will only see the CV after the candidate has passed a test/task.

Anti-bias Feedback Submission Forms.
Submitting interviewer feedback: In interviews where two iwocans are interviewing, we collect feedback independently before sharing with the rest of the interviewer panel. This means interviewers provide impartial feedback without subconscious influence by the other interviewers.

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Survey.
We created a D&I survey that automatically goes to all candidates who apply to iwoca. The workable minimum response threshold survey measures trends in how different demographics perform. The survey invites candidates to voluntarily self-identify, measuring age group, gender identity and ethnic identity. Measuring this data will enable us to spot trends and target areas for improvement.

Candidate Net Promoter Score (cNPS) Survey.
We created a Candidate Net Promoter Score (CNPS) that asks candidates if the interview process was free from unfair bias when they leave our interview process. With this data, we will learn the benchmark for iwoca as a whole, and then filter various teams to target areas of improvement in our recruiting processes.

Advertising Salary, Employee Benefits and Policies.
In advertising salary, benefits, and policies included within job descriptions it promotes transparency, reducing wage disparities, attracts diverse talent, and encourages fair negotiations. We made it easier for candidates to check our benefits and policies before interviewing. This makes applying for iwoca more inclusive, i.e. sharing our parental leave policy may encourage people to apply to iwoca who are considering growing their family.
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